7.2! Yikes!

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Just remember.........

Just remember.........

Gnusgal said:
Hmmm... Good point. And I bet they don't have to wipe snotty noses either... You may be on to something. I may have to take this into consideration. ;)

You didn't hear this from me! ;) Hugs. J.
gijanet said:
You didn't hear this from me! ;) Hugs. J.
Oh, don't worry. Names will be changed to protect the innocent.

And he redeemed himself a bit yesterday. He cleaned the kitchen. We have counters again! Who knew? ;) Now if we can just both get off our computers and get started on the living room...
He was just making sure that it got bad enough that he was sure that you would appreciate his "help".
allodwick said:
He was just making sure that it got bad enough that he was sure that you would appreciate his "help".
I should have known that was his game... Sneeky male... ;)
Well, I had my follow-up for my wacky INR this morning... I came out with a beautiful 3.2 :D . They say I can come back in two weeks. But I say "There's no way you're getting me to come back in HERE, you loons!" Not only did they send my INR bouncing, but they made me wait for 45 minutes in the waiting room today just to get my INR tested. I had THOUGHT scheduling a brunch for an hour after my appointment time would give me plenty of time, but NO, of course not... Needless to say, I'm going to be working on getting some supplies ASAP. I do not want to go back if I can help it!

Oh, and my family has arrived. The house is cleaner than it was, and we closed the doors to the rooms that didn't get touched. My brother's girlfriend is now his fiance (announced today), so she's going to have to get used to us... Hopefully meeting our aunts, uncles, grandparents, and cousins yesterday and today hasn't scared her away... ;) But I figure, if she can put up with my brother, she can put up with anything... ;)

Looks like May is going to be a BUSY month for our family. My husband AND my brother are graduating (Nathan from nursing school, my brother from optometry school), and it sounds like my brother and his fiance are looking at a late May wedding... Then in June my cousins are graduating (one from college and the other from high school). I'm tired just thinking about it. Oh, yeah. And I graduate in August!
Niki, I'm glad to hear you're back in range and feeling better. I seem to remember earlier in this thread you mentioned holding two days. I've never had luck with that (just my opinion). It seems the few times I held two days, my INR came plummeting down (faster than it went up), just as yours apparently did. My nurse even agreed with me that it wasn't a good deal for me to hold two doses, and I never did it again. Again, just my experience. Take care and hope you all enjoy the rest of your holiday break.
Sherry said:
I seem to remember earlier in this thread you mentioned holding two days. I've never had luck with that (just my opinion). It seems the few times I held two days, my INR came plummeting down (faster than it went up), just as yours apparently did.
Yeah, I'm not going to ever do that again... I had a suspicion that it wouldn't be a good idea, but I'd never been THAT high before either... Live and learn I guess.

allodwick said:
Start cleaning for May on January 1.
You don't seem to get our primary problem: flat surface syndrome... We can clean on January 1, and have the house looking great by the end of the week (if we really try). But by the end of the next week, we'll be back to "normal." Then we'll just have to start over again... It's a never ending cycle. :rolleyes:
I understand all to well.

There is just my wife and me. We clean it up and before the next sunset it is covered again.
Niki - turn all your tables on their sides. Voila! No flat surfaces! :D :D :D

It's hard to balance books and mail on those little skinny edges.

I never succeeded in getting the house uncluttered until I retired and found I simply couldn't live with looking at all that stuff every day all the time. When I worked I had a very high tolerance for clutter.

How about you get a big tote and every other day shovel everything on all flat surfaces into it. Then either stick it in a spare room ;) or empty it and deal with the stuff every weekend? Just a suggestion. I'm very big on totes.

Good luck; keeping a house is such a pita.
Allodwick, I was interested in your comment that in the UK it is common to test is every three months, as my experience is quite different. The system for me, which I think is commonplace, is that I am tested by the nurse at my local doctors' clinic. The blood is then sent to a hospital lab for analysis and I get the result and dosage advice the same day if a significant change in dosage is required, and the next day if not. My doctor, not the nurse, makes the dosage decision.

Typically, if there is no change in INR and it has been stable for a while, I am asked to retest in four weeks; if there is a slight change, two weeks; and if there is a significant change, one week. I find that the system works very well, has a personal touch, and gives me a sense of security (particularly after a post festive season reading of 6.6 which is being closely monitored at the moment!

A Scottish Happy New Year to youself, Allodwick, and to all who contribute here!
I obviously am not an expert on the UK's NHS. My information was from several people aho have written to say that they are only tested every 3 months. These people may not have had mechanical valves. I have been running a website about warfarin for 6 years, so I can't remember all of the details. Your way sounds better that every 3 months.
7.2! Yikes!

When mine hit 8.9 I broke out in an interesting rash on my upper arms and my breasts, petechiae, absolutely smothered! The hospital took no chances with me having already had endocrditis, they had me checked out to make sure it wasn't that back.

Do other people get petechiae?
UK testing

UK testing

My bother-in-law has been on warfarin for about 20 years for AF, he is absolutely stable and is now only tested three monthly but initially until he was stable it was far more frequent - he lives in England.

Where I live isn't actually in the UK but it is in the British Isles and our medical staff have trained in the UK and work closely with them. Here it depends on how stable you are, tests can be several times a week if you are really unstable then it would be weekly, then two weekly, three weekly etc. I have been three weekly then they dropped me to two weekly again as I tend to be a little low.
Just so everyone is updated. I've finally gotten around to ordering more supplies and they should be here by Wednesday (took awhile to get some paperwork together from my doc's office because I decided to go through a different distributer). They will also attempt to get insurance to cover it (though I'm not all that hopeful). It will be a relief to not have to wait at the Doc's office again.
Lots of people on this board get petechiae. One of the members, Rain, says that the only thing that she can relate them to is when her dog digs in her flower bed. Rain's dog must have a lot of influence if he can cause petechiae clear to Europe (she lives in Colorado).

They are like tiny bruises. Not much you can do about them but keeping the INR in range cuts down on them for most people - except Rain.
And now I have one of Onyx?s pups, Al.... Yikes! lol

And now I have one of Onyx?s pups, Al.... Yikes! lol


I got petechiae around my ankles when I started taking coumadin and it?s never totally went away. It?s actually a pretty good barometer of where my INR is. If the red spots are below my knees....... I?m good. If they travel up my legs and multiply.... I know I'm a little high.... if they make it all the way to my chest........ better get checked!
Hi Niki

Boy, I sure hope you get better fast......it sounds like you're going through hell.

Tyce checked his INR this weekend, too and was7.1....why???? who knows. Anyway, he held one dose, halved the next and when we tested was 2.1, so it looks like he's back on track with normal doses for the rest of the week.....Of course, I sent a PM to Rossman and Al, because I have a tendency to panic, but all worked out.....remember I LOVE YOU TWO GUYS, BIG TIME.

Anyway, it sounds like your INR is the least of your problems now....feel better and rest lots.

Hey Rain:

My student just told me that she was offered $50,000 signing bonus if she would agree to go work in a pharmacy in Cortez for 5 years.
Tell her to go for it!

Tell her to go for it!

So Al...... they have to give them a bonus to come to Cortez, huh? :p lol Most professionals say they take a pay cut to come here... just because they love it that much.

Cortez is a pain because it?s hard to get here..... which is also what makes it so nice. :) You have to drive a couple hours to get to an interstate and at least 4 to get to a decent size airport. But hey!! It?s beautiful here and paradise for someone who loves the outdoors! Where else can you drive a short distance one direction to the best ski slopes in CO or the other direction and find the warmth of the desert... beautiful rocks and the best biking on earth... Moab, UT. We have the best of both worlds! I guess that?s why we?re getting so many movie stars and professional athletes moving in these days......... we?ve been found! lol I think a lot of it is the over flow from Telluride & Durango. You can?t even buy a piece of property either of those places anymore.

Tell her Rain says take the money and get over here! If nothing else, she can invest the money in property, work a couple years and double her money. But I?m betting once she gets here.... she?ll be here for ever. It?s a great place to live.

And don't tell her any stories about how we tormented the last pharmacist you sent here!! :eek: :p :D :D That was soooooo funny. lol

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