Well, I had my follow-up for my wacky INR this morning... I came out with a beautiful 3.2

. They say I can come back in two weeks. But I say "There's no way you're getting me to come back in HERE, you loons!" Not only did they send my INR bouncing, but they made me wait for 45 minutes in the waiting room today just to get my INR tested. I had THOUGHT scheduling a brunch for an hour after my appointment time would give me plenty of time, but NO, of course not... Needless to say, I'm going to be working on getting some supplies ASAP. I do not want to go back if I can help it!
Oh, and my family has arrived. The house is cleaner than it was, and we closed the doors to the rooms that didn't get touched. My brother's girlfriend is now his fiance (announced today), so she's going to have to get used to us... Hopefully meeting our aunts, uncles, grandparents, and cousins yesterday and today hasn't scared her away...

But I figure, if she can put up with my brother, she can put up with anything...
Looks like May is going to be a BUSY month for our family. My husband AND my brother are graduating (Nathan from nursing school, my brother from optometry school), and it sounds like my brother and his fiance are looking at a late May wedding... Then in June my cousins are graduating (one from college and the other from high school). I'm tired just thinking about it. Oh, yeah. And I graduate in August!