7.2! Yikes!

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Gail's experience is exactly why I do not get excited about INRs that are less than 8. She may have had a TIA as a result of holding these warfarin doses. Much better to risk a bloody nose than paralysis. It just seems like such a simple concept that so many people in the health care business cannot seem to grasp.

The rule of thumb is that if someone takes warfarin 5 mg daily, the INR will drop by half every 48 hours. If you take more than 5 mg the drop will be faster. If you take less than 5 mg the drop will be slower.

Gail's INR going to 1.3 is just a little more of a drop than what should have been expected. After 2 days the average 7.2 INR would drop to about 3.6. But she takes almost twice as much warfarin as "average". So a 1 day hold would have produced about a 3.6 and holding another day would have produced about a 1.8. I think that her warfarin manager should have known that they were putting her at risk of a stroke. Remember that she was not bleeding. She had no problem except a high INR number. Shewas worried at being at deaths door. I don't think she was but her warfarin manager tried to kick the door down.
Well, I'm full fledged sick, now. My temp is 101.1 and it hurts so much to swallow I'm considering not eating or drinking ever again... Even though I know that's not a wise idea. Guess I'll be having soup for dinner. Even though that even sounds painful. Just trying to keep saliva from acumulating in my mouth is painful... Only one more day of school. And it's early release. I know you're all going to tell me I should stay home, but my library club students are performing all day tomorrow, so I HAVE to be there. Otherwise, I totally would be staying home. I DO have a doctor's appointment at 2:15, though. Hopefully I can get this thing knocked out quickly. I've got a Christmas party and family thing on Saturday, Christmas presents to finish making, and a house to clean. Plus, my family is coming into town. Three of which will be staying at our house starting on Wednesday. Why, oh, why does this have to be happening to me?!
I think that if your family is concerned about how your house looks when you have been sick, then they should grab the cleaning supplies and put in about an hour's worth of work before they are fed.
Al that was my thoughts exactly :eek:)
I have a quick (I hope lol) question about patient years. am I right thinking in terms of patient years, it would mean like 100 year for one patient, 50 years for 2 patients ect until if you have 100 patients it would be 1 year?
so if a chance something happens say once every 100 patient years and you have one hundred patients, then that would happen to an average of 1 patient each year? OR did I really confuse myself, which I tend to do easily during normal days, so w/ the holiday stuff I'm trying to keep track of, well :) Lyn
You have it exactly right. It is the number of patients times the number of years.

Our clinic has about 500 patients so in one year we would have reports of hundreds of bloody noses (333 about)

We would see about 15 major bleeds. A major bleed requires two or more units of blood or any bleeding into the head. This seems a little high - we maybe see a little less than one per month.

We would see about 5 clots per year. Since we take all diagnoses, the majority of these are in the legs of people with major clotting disorders. All clots are major.
Thanks so much, I have seen that before on different medical sites, not just hearts but when I was looking up info on Livers and thyroids, and I know you explain things well, so thought you would be the one to ask , I'm so glad you are here, Lyn
allodwick said:
I think that if your family is concerned about how your house looks when you have been sick, then they should grab the cleaning supplies and put in about an hour's worth of work before they are fed.
Oh, if it were just my mom and brother coming, I wouldn't care. Unfortunately, my brother is bringing his girlfriend (soon to be fiance, I believe) with him. So I feel like I should make a good impression. And let me tell you, my house is HORRIBLE. My husband and I are complete slobs for the most part. My excuse is that I'm exhausted by the time I get home from work. I don't know what his excuse is... ;) I have no false hopes that my house will be spotless when they arrive, but I'd like to have at least gotten the dishes out of the sink, the tables cleared off, and all of the chairs available to sit on...

And you all thought I was talking about vacuuming and dusting... HA! ;)
What we call our housekeeping is "get it to the point where it looks like it needs to be cleaned rather than it has never been cleaned."
Niki, I am not known for my housekeeping. I'm a clean person, but my house can be cluttered. My Mom gave me a sign that hands in my kitchen, it says:

This house is clean enough to be healthy, and dirty enough to be comfortable.
Karlynn said:
Niki, I am not known for my housekeeping. I'm a clean person, but my house can be cluttered. My Mom gave me a sign that hands in my kitchen, it says:

This house is clean enough to be healthy, and dirty enough to be comfortable.

I have a similar plaque hanging on my wall except it has the word "happy" instead of "comfortable". I smile whenever I look at it.

My house is clean but cluttered as my SO and I are major pack rats. I have tried to reform but it just doesn't seem to be happening.


I have a number of plastic storage crates left over from our various moving adventures. When I am having company, all the clutter gets put in the crates and they are neatly stacked in the basement. When my guests are gone, the crates come back and my life is back to "normal".

You might try this as it really helps with stress for people who are not going to change but do not think others are like them (most people are, we just think we are the only "slobs"). If you don't have a basement, line the crates along a wall. If you feel a need to explain, simply mention you are cleaning out closets and you will appear to have your house in order.:D ;) :D In fact, people will think you are amazing for finding time to clean closets during the holidays.
Someone once told me they had "flat surface syndrome." If there was a flat surface around (table, countertop, floor, etc.), they would have it covered with "stuff" within moments. That is totally me. What's worse is, my husband is the same way. So between the two of us, the only flat surfaces that are not covered up are the two spots on the couches where we each sit, and our own bed... ;) We halfway like it when we have company over because it forces us to clean up. Then we have a halfway decent looking house for about a week.

Right now my priorities are cleaning the bedroom where my brother and his girlfriend will be sleeping (it happens to be my sewing room and it's a disaster right now because I've been making all my Christmas presents this year), clean off the sitting area in the living room, and the tables and counters in the kitchen. Oh! And I should wash the towels for the guest bathroom. Any other room I can just close the door.

Fortunately, I am feeling much better. My fever went down yesterday before I went to the doctor, and after starting on the antibiotics I was given my throat is doing much better. I was actually able to eat a sandwich today for lunch instead of just soup! Yesterday all I ate the entire day was some chicken broth, tomato soup, and apple cider. The only thing that I could halfway stand to swallow was warm liquid. I think I had a total of 500 calories yesterday. Talk about one way of loosing weight! Yes, I'm wanting to drop a couple of pounds, but I don't think that's the best way to do it...

Thanks all for your suggestions and support!
I saw a little satin pillow one time embrodiered with I CLEANED MY HOUSE A WEEK OR SO AGO....SORRY YOU MISSED IT. I loved it and almost bought it.
I've relaxed some about my house as I've aged but I have to have
order in my space. I don't feel that way when I'm in homes of friends and family though and can totally enjoy myself when I visit. I think your abbreviated plan and shutting doors works just fine. If you have to abbreviate it even more because you run out of energy don't worry about it. If you let her see the Niki we see around here she can't help but like you.
bvdr said:
If you have to abbreviate it even more because you run out of energy don't worry about it. If you let her see the Niki we see around here she can't help but like you.

You know, it wouldn't be so bad if my husband would just get off his rear end and help a little... He's been off from school for a week now, and has he lifted a finger to clean anything? No. He's painted his models, watched several movies, and surfed the web... This morning I woke up and immediately got started on Christmas projects. What did he do? Played a game and surfed the web. Oh! And then he made cookies for his friends to take with him when he left to go play MORE games, which he'll be doing away from home all afternoon and into the evening...

I'm not bitter... Really, I'm not. ;) The games wouldn't bother me so much if he'd just help out some too. Plus, I asked him to take the dogs to the vet this week, and he didn't even manage to do that. Now that I'm home for the break, I garuntee you he expects me to do it.

Sorry, guys. Just had to vent a little. Sometimes marriage is more hassle than it's worth...
Oh, how I remember those days..before the Holidays. Family was coming for visit..It would take me a week to clean the house.:eek: Plus, buying and cooking the food......I always had to plan for them to sleep in our room.( We had the king size bed)..These were our parents.....My in-laws always acted like guest.They expected 3 hot meals a day...My Mama would get into the kitchen and take over the cooking..:) ..but, I still wanted the fridge cleaned out, clean sheets, towels, ect...They never came at the same time. Usually a set at Thanksgiving and a set at Xmas..........Now, pay back:D Son invited us down yesterday..to spend the weekend.House was so clean.:D ....So, I guess everyone expecting company do it.:p ...Once a week, I take a heavy dutyGarbage bag..go from room-to-room..circle the room..and toss all old newspapers, magazines, ect. into it...do the same for fridge.(Amazing how left-overs, ect. can build up in there.:eek: We still have a daily garbage bag to take to dumpster.:eek: Dog/cat food cans, wrappers from food, ect...........I'm sure your house will look fine, Niki..Don't forget the toilet paper.:p Hubby had to ask son for some this morning in guest bathroom.:D Bonnie


Karlynn said:
My Mom gave me a sign that hands in my kitchen, it says:

This house is clean enough to be healthy, and dirty enough to be comfortable.

You and Geebee are lucky! I have a huge boarded up sign on my front door that says "CONDEMNED BY THE BOARD OF HEALTH"
Makes gettin' in the house a little hard, too..........but it does cut down on the visitors!

Geez! Niki, offline for a week and come back to this!!! If I had known, we could have brought Katie's machine and tested you at Mary's! I'lll spare you the lecture, but don't you dare do that again! I can't even come kick your butt when your INR is that high 'cuz you'll bruise too badly. :eek:

I am glad to hear that you are feeling better. And we suffer from "flat syndrome" too............much better than flatulation syndrome, though! :D And honey, Nathan is a male. Don pulls the same crap. If he and a slug were in a race, I'd bet on the slug.............sigh! Men! You can't live with 'em............and you go to jail if you shoot 'em (well, I forgot! down here, we just run 'em over in the driveway a few times....:D ), but it's a no win situation, regardless. :( Sending hugs. Janet One closing thought: Inmates get free health care...........heehee!
gijanet said:
One closing thought: Inmates get free health care...........heehee!
Hmmm... Good point. And I bet they don't have to wipe snotty noses either... You may be on to something. I may have to take this into consideration. ;)

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