Well-known member
Hi there to my VR-family 
I had my 6 weeks check-up with Cardio today. I managed to do the Treatmill test for 4 1/2 minutes. Very impressed with myself for lasting so long. I am very unfit and will do some serious walking this week!
My resting HR was anything between 120-130 and Cardio is not happy with that. I am hypotensive, so he can't give me a beta-blocker either (BP was 90/60) he prescribed LANOXIN that should help with HR without effecting BP. I am booked off from work until 30 May, but I can start driving again from tomorrow! yippee. That will give me my freedom back
Overall he is happy with my recovery but I still have to come see him in 6 months time. Echo confirmed that I still have a leak in Mitral valve. Grade 1, but I was hoping for a zero leak and some kind of a guarantee that I would not be needing OHS ever again! Well, nothing can be guaranteed in life.
He gave me script for Antibiotics to drink 1 hour prior to ANY dental work! and I have Antibiotics for the next 5 days, because I didn't take any cover prior to my dental work last week! He is just being cautious.
Overall I have a lot to be glad about and I am still smiling
I had my 6 weeks check-up with Cardio today. I managed to do the Treatmill test for 4 1/2 minutes. Very impressed with myself for lasting so long. I am very unfit and will do some serious walking this week!
My resting HR was anything between 120-130 and Cardio is not happy with that. I am hypotensive, so he can't give me a beta-blocker either (BP was 90/60) he prescribed LANOXIN that should help with HR without effecting BP. I am booked off from work until 30 May, but I can start driving again from tomorrow! yippee. That will give me my freedom back
Overall he is happy with my recovery but I still have to come see him in 6 months time. Echo confirmed that I still have a leak in Mitral valve. Grade 1, but I was hoping for a zero leak and some kind of a guarantee that I would not be needing OHS ever again! Well, nothing can be guaranteed in life.
He gave me script for Antibiotics to drink 1 hour prior to ANY dental work! and I have Antibiotics for the next 5 days, because I didn't take any cover prior to my dental work last week! He is just being cautious.
Overall I have a lot to be glad about and I am still smiling