6 Month Check up

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Hey, Ross--
Haven't been around for a while, but sorry to hear this news. I'm thinking about you. Many hugs and prayers coming your way!

So sorry to read your latest post about your doctor visit. Gee Whiz. You have had enough to deal with already. It's time for all this to stop. We will all work harder at sending you good vibrations, prayers and good thoughts.

I understand 100% how you feel about knowing that that "annie" is in there. It's like having a time bomb. But (although I don't know statistics) I bet there are a lot of folks who have them who never ever have an issue. I know you are saying but you have already had an issue, but it doesn't mean that you will this time, you know.

Hopefully this plan with cutting the Diovan HCT back will allow the kidneys to work better and get rid of some of that fluid.

I had kidney issues during this last MVR and blew up like a baloon...still haven't lost all of it. They switched me from Lasix to Bu something or other (I now Nancy's Joe has been on it) supposed to be easier on the kidneys. I am sure that they have tried you on that, right?

You take care. Thinking of you.
WAL, WAL, WAL. :( :( :(

Soun's like we better git th' Bus warmed up t'haid No'th. I'll hafta see eff'n th' fellas is available. It's huntin' season hyar (as eff'n thet matters t'them). Wal, ah guess they kin brag a li'l louder durin' huntin' season. Nevah knows who is sittin' at th' next table down at Reds.

Dang it all, thet plate of yourn done about rund ovah inough. ah's gonna hafta haf a fine long talk wif Him tonight. Yo? tell thet thar Doc thet eff'n he doesn't be hankerin' a viset he had better git busy gittin' yo' right. Good luck, mah friend, cuss it all. Prayers an' fine thunks is continuin' yer way.

May God Bless,

Bubba :)
Ross -

I can't say too much more than all of the fine people have before me. We will be praying for you my friend! Make sure you drink a ton of water! It can only help to decrease your fluid load. At least that is what I have been told!

Happy holiday's
Take care:)
Hang In There

Hang In There

I hope the revised drug dosage has the desired outcome and you can start the new year with the aneurysm problem getting sorted out. It would be playing on your mind given your past experience with an aneurysm. :(
Just wanted to let you know that my thoughts and prayers are added to everyone elses. I'll be watching for a good report that the medication change works.
So sorry to hear your news Ross! I will be thinking of you through the holidays and praying for good reports in 2007!

sorry for the negative news:(
Praying that they get the results they want from the med change..
Hang in there Ross.. It has been a rough couple of months for you..Hoping your New Year will bring New Beginings and Good Health your way!
Ross, I was sorry to read about your latest report from the doctor, but glad he has a plan of action. Hang in there. We're all here for you. You'll continue to stay in my thoughts and prayers. LINDA
Thanks all. Don't be sorry and don't have pity. Get collectively angry and pray that this insanity I live with stops. That's all I ask. I'd love one year to go by without setting foot in a Doctors, hospital, etc rooom. Just one.
I also have not been around much lately, although I do lurk from time to time. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. I can't say anything that hasn't been said by the previous. I know what you mean about just wanting a year where you don't have to set foot in any medical establishment. I'm with you.
Try to have a Merry Christmas.
Ross said:
Get collectively angry and pray that this insanity I live with stops.
I'd love one year to go by without setting foot in a Doctors, hospital, etc rooom. Just one.

Boy howdy do I hear ya there. And, you already know that thoughts/prayers are coming your way in earnest, Ross.

Very glad I was able to meet up with you during one of my road trips. That type of meeting really brings people closer together (imho, anyway)...and adds a greater degree/dimension of caring/understanding/etc.....

Cort:33swm."Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"Who's gonna hold me tonight?" ... Trace Adkins ... 'Help Me Understand'
I haven't been on line for a while and look what happens. Ross I know how you feel by not wanting pity, but we love you and are worried about you. You are always in my prayers. You have been through way too much. Like you I wish I could go through a year without a crisis or ending up in the hospital or in a darn doctor's office every other week, but it's not going to happen as long as I live with the CML and my other problems. Hugs are coming your way.
Ross said:
Thanks all. Don't be sorry and don't have pity. Get collectively angry and pray that this insanity I live with stops. That's all I ask. I'd love one year to go by without setting foot in a Doctors, hospital, etc rooom. Just one.

I felt that way too and said "no" to my cardio when he said he would see me in 6 months unless I needed him before then. I told him it would need to be a year. I sometimes get to the point I find myself looking for the escape hatch. It just takes a little time and then I'm ready to go forward again. Pain makes me ready a little earlier than some of the other things though. I really know where you are coming from and have passed through that place a time or two. I will join the collective though on your behalf.

Hope the new dosage will work for you. Hang in there - n I'm keeping you in my prayers.
I hope the cut back in Diovan HCT does the trick. You've had quite a year, and it's definitely time for things to take a turn for the better. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

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