I has been five weeks since my Robotic MV repair by Dr. Roberts at Holy Cross in Ft. Lauderdale (2 hour drive from where I live).
10 days post op I passed out in my lounger at home and my wife could not wake me. I woke up just before the rescue arrived and took the ride to the Emergency Room. The next day they removed 550ml of fluid from my right side. Instant relief. The Echo confirm that the heart valve repair was solid, no leaks.
After two nights in the local hospital I was back on the road to recovery. Started limited driving, saw the surgeon the next week and a new chest x-ray conformed no new fluid build up.
Four weeks 3 days post op I almost passed out at the computer, took some deep breaths, cleared my head and checked my vitals. All signs were good. The next day my heart rate in the morning was 48 BPM, one hour later it was 150 BPM as measured on three different devices. We made our way to my local Cardiologist and my BPM was 112 in his office. Normal SW. Went home with a CardioPal monitor hooked up to me for the next 3 weeks. Praying that I don't develop an A-Fib situation.
My vitals have been in an acceptable range the past 4 days with my heart rate in the 70-80 range and no symptoms to report. I do have a slight floating sensation at times, but BP remains in an acceptable range. I have chosen to refrain from driving until my head feels clear. My return to work has been move out from 8/15 to 9/4.
Thought that I wuold pass on my experiences.
Robotic MV Repair July 6, 2012
Holy Cross Hospital, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Dr. Roberts
10 days post op I passed out in my lounger at home and my wife could not wake me. I woke up just before the rescue arrived and took the ride to the Emergency Room. The next day they removed 550ml of fluid from my right side. Instant relief. The Echo confirm that the heart valve repair was solid, no leaks.
After two nights in the local hospital I was back on the road to recovery. Started limited driving, saw the surgeon the next week and a new chest x-ray conformed no new fluid build up.
Four weeks 3 days post op I almost passed out at the computer, took some deep breaths, cleared my head and checked my vitals. All signs were good. The next day my heart rate in the morning was 48 BPM, one hour later it was 150 BPM as measured on three different devices. We made our way to my local Cardiologist and my BPM was 112 in his office. Normal SW. Went home with a CardioPal monitor hooked up to me for the next 3 weeks. Praying that I don't develop an A-Fib situation.
My vitals have been in an acceptable range the past 4 days with my heart rate in the 70-80 range and no symptoms to report. I do have a slight floating sensation at times, but BP remains in an acceptable range. I have chosen to refrain from driving until my head feels clear. My return to work has been move out from 8/15 to 9/4.
Thought that I wuold pass on my experiences.
Robotic MV Repair July 6, 2012
Holy Cross Hospital, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Dr. Roberts