4th Officer Died in Okland... sad news!

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Well-known member
Aug 11, 2005
Omaha, Nebraska
Hi all... just saw online that the 4th officer in that horrible shootout this past weekend in Okland, CA was taken off of life support this weekend... that makes me so sad...

I don't think I've mentioned it, but my husband is a police officer here in Omaha... so when I hear stories like that, it just makes me cringe, cry and my heart just goes out to the families of those guys who put their lives on the line for us day in and day out. We have some violence here, we had an officer shot last fall, but amazingly, all his cards were in place and he survived. We've had a couple others shot and killed over the past 10 years or so, and I just try not to think about those things when my hubby leave in uniform for his shift. :)

It just frustrates me how some people have no respect for life... I guess life is so precious to those of us on this board because of what we've been through and are about to go through.

Anyway, got off on a tangent, just wanted to share my sadness about the latest news from out there.

How did you like the way the family spoke out against the officers? People make me sick, they were trash & always have been.

People have no idea what cops go through everyday. I say when a weapon is drawn shoot first than see if it's a toy. I wish your husband luck & hope he has the stomach to continue his fine work.

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