Well-known member
Congrats for still being here on Earth. 1967-I was 2 years old then. Hugs for you today and everyday.:angel:
Thanks for your post. I've never really thought about having lived longer with the mechanical valve than with my native valve. I understand your concept of "personal goal". When I had the surgery I was told it would last 50 years so I set my personal goal to be age 81. Since I am going on 77, there is a good chance I'll make it.
I still remember how uncertain and frightening it was before, and for many years after, the surgery......and how difficult, if not impossible, getting supportive and understandable information was. Although I don't dwell on it, the valve crosses my mind almost daily and I like the reassurance and information found on this forum. While I rely on my docs for medical advice, I read the experiences here when it comes to living with a corrective valve.
PS: I wasn't sure I would be around to see a grandchild.....much less GREATGRANDCHILDREN...........goes to show how much I really know LOL.