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It is strange how the process differs from hospital to hospital. I was given 8 scrub gizmos to use; one for upper torso and one for lower torso to be used for the four days preceding my surgery. I also received a mouthwash to be taken after each meal on Sunday before I go in for the surgery. I will be 69 next month and other than a gall bladder operation, this will be a first for me regarding surgery. Like you I have confidence in my surgeon and the Ottawa University Heart Institute. My Surgeon replaced a valve for my Aunt just this January past and she is older than I am and doing well, although she did not need the double bypass that I will also get. Good thoughts to you also for a speeding recovery.Gord
Saw the anesthesiologistn on Monday and now just awaiting a call this evening to confirm my surgery on Monday. I wish I had known about Krytonite as an adhesive rather that stitches to close the wound and I would have enquired about this procedure with the surgeon. I will give it a shot on Monday when I meet with him. Still apprehensive about the post surgery, especially considering I sneeze daily and blow my nose 2-3 times each morning. This can't be easy, especially the sneezing. I did not enquire whether or not the Hospital had internet access for patients so I guess any updates will be on my return home. good luck with your surgery and we'll keep in touch.

Good luck with everything. I think you are a little confused about the closing. Closing the skin with glue instead of stitches or staples is pretty common Justin has been having OHS for over 20 years and never had external stitches, he either had steri strip (like tape)on top or just the glue.
and if you look at the TOOTs photos almost every person was glued (or taped) on the top surface, you don't see the little scars that made it look like a "zipper"
The kryptonite is used to hold the sternum bones together. Right now at least I believe they still use wires with the krytonite. I don't know where you are having surgery but I believe Ottawa is one of the places that uses Krytonite and it does sound like it would help with the sneeze pain so it probably wouldn't hurt to call your surgeon and ask about it. I know a couple members here (Johnny) discussed it with their surgeon, but I think they said they were too young and healthy or something. (those posts are missing) http://www.valvereplacement.org/for...Surgeon-Monday&p=439350&highlight=#post439350
maybe you could PM him and he could explain what he was told.
As for sneezing, some people have suggestions on how to help stop sneezes and I'm not sure IF your hospitals gives out heart pillows to hug when you cough,sneeze,laugh but you might want to ask about that and if they don't give them out, take a small pillow or something to hug, they really help with the pain. (the size of a "throw pillow" Justin always takes a new uglydoll and says they work great.
Hey Gord. I can relate to the sneezing and congestion. It is probably up there with my main concerns waiting for my operation on Tuesday. Please do not wear out those guardian angels too much on Monday because I will need one for Tuesday. I inquired about using the Kryptonite glue and my surgeon point blank said our hospital does not have funding to be on that trial. It sure made sense to glue that sternum together as well as wiring it. Only makes sense it would heal faster and be stronger. As long as the surgeon didn't sniff it before surgery. Oh well wasn't meant to be. I have a feeling it would have been much better to get this done in ten years. A lot of the new technology is breaking but needs to stand the test of time. Oh well. Four more days and it will all be over for me good or bad either way. I am just glad to get the fricken thing over with.
John, Like yourself, the Heart Institute here does not offer the Kryptonite although another patient told me that he had heard someone did get it. The Hospital called yesterday and confirmed my surgery for 0600 hrs Monday, so I will get this out of the way. I only have Moderate Aortic Stenosis and the Cardiologist said I would likely be ok for the next 3-5 yrs, however since they are doing the bypass surgery and opening me up, they may as well replace the valve. Best of Luck and we can compare notes in another week or so. Gord
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I've had the op twice, and Both times had eh sternum wired up. The second time was better, somehow. Your own mended bone is entirely as strong as any glue. I could even sleep on my side riight afer the chest tubes came out.

As far as the skin/top layer, I had staples the first time (best zipper effect) and cauterizing the second time. I would take the staples every time. They hold your chest skin together much better, and help to avoid sagging ...uh, chest things afterwards.

You will both be in my thoughts. It will go faster than you think and easier than you fear.

Best wishes,
Bob - Thanks for the info. I had no choice regarding the wiring of the sternum as the Kryptonite is not often used at the Ottawa University Heart Institute. Good to hear about the mending and being able to sleep on your right side. I intend to get up and start walking or whatever else is required as soon as possible. Finally tomorrow morning will start the process of recovery.
My husband is still traumatized and can't watch the heart surgery stuff on TV.
Surprisingly, me who used to faint in my cardio office, can now watch heart surgeries with great interest.
You should also check out some of the videos on Google. There are couple where they show a valve replacement. I guess I was a little negligent in asking questions of my surgeon as I am not sure if I am getting a valve replacement or a repair. The fact that he did discuss tissue or mechanical probably means a replacement. gord
Sending my very best wishes and prayers to *Gord*, *Kcheshire*, and *Hasher98*, for a successful surgery and a smooth uneventful recovery. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow. (((((HUGS))))) x