3rd valve replacement!!!!

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Hi there.
I am also 30, I have had two OHSs and I have two boys who were born while I had my tissue replacement valve. I now have a mechanical aortic valve.
You were lucky to get your three before your tissue valve wore out, I would have had another if I had been able, but as it was my younger son was 13wo when I had my second surgery.

The years do make things harder, but I was also recovering from a cesarean when I had my second OHS. I think knowing what I was facing made it a bit easier for me second time around.

All the best, I hope you are soon back better than ever with your new mech valve and able to get on with raising your kids.
Thank you all!!!

Thank you all!!!

Thank you for your encouragement and wisdom. Hearing it from people who have been there really helps so I have a greater sense of peace now. I realize I need to go into this with a positive mindset, but ya know it's hard to shake those "what ifs":eek:
I will keep you posted on my progress and outcome. Thankfully my husband is able to take leave from the Army and we have a large support group back home in Oregon that will step into the mom position for the 6 weeks following surgery. I'm thinking of taking up knitting??? Maybe read a whole book cover to cover???? :rolleyes: hmmmmm The things I can do with 6 weeks of full time mommie's helpers!!!
Hi, My son is 20 and had his 5th OHS last June. As others have said just be sure to go to a surgeon/hospital that has alot of experience in multiple redos. Do you go to a cardiologist that specializes in Adults with CHD? I know the CHD surgeons usually have the most experience in operating on kids/adults that have had 3 or more OHS. I also wanted to recomend the forum at adults w/ CHD if you haven't found it yet. There are alot of members in the 30s and 40s that have had multiple surgeries. God Bless you with 3 little ones, it sounds fun. Lyn

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