I started WW in July of 2006, before OHS. I was sick AND fat, and at least I could do something about the fat part. I've lost a bit over 40 lbs, and have been maintaining nearly a year.
I'm pretty good about the fat intake, get my 2 good oil/day, or a tad more. I make my own lunches and pretty much eat the same thing, or variations thereof.
I'm just particularly frustrated about the INR because Tank and I have our first agility trial this weekend since my v-tach and bionics upgrade at Christmas. We've missed so much practice and several trials ($$$ entry fees gone bye-bye) because of the "no-running, don't move your arm for 6 weeks" bit after changing out the pacemaker.
Tank only needs 2 more Qs to finish a master title, he's getting too old to trial at this level much longer, and now I have to worry about messing up a front cross, joining the "kiss the dirt club" and hitting my head or something stupid. I refused to front cross my puppy, Jet, in class the other day for the same reason, besides which she's really fast and really green/clumsy, and we crash into each other all the time.
I just want my life back to "normal." The v-tach and surgery were such a disappointment after 14 months of no problems after OHS, and now this extra bit of worry on a stubborn high INR. I know that's the main reason it bugs me so much. I should have something more important to whine about.