Professional Dingbat, Guru and Merkintologist
Good morning

appropriately prudent
seems logical to me. When we know it is inevitable that you have surgery (for the aneurysm) it seems prudent and logical to prememptively replace something which as it fails will do you damage. Of course there are additional burdens (like AC therapy) brought to you earlier and there "is a chance" (however slim) it does not require operation ever.
I agree about the pannus formation deterent on the On-X but I'd also ask about the "aortic graft pre attached" version of the On-x valve as that may save time / reduce possible complications during surgery from extra stitching.
He probably knows about it, but I'd raise it in case he doesn't.
well you know which side of the fence I stand on that one ...
Also he told me that going crazy with a chainsaw won't be an issue with the AC Therapy so that s great and confirm what some of you guys told me
well, best wishes for surgery, I wish you an uneventful recovery
no matter what you think stick to the advice for the first 8 weeks ... do not press the boundaries and be tarzan in recovery.

JulienDu;n861735 said:So I just came back to see my surgeons and he was surprised that a redneck brought so many informations with him this time, thats thanks to all to all your comments here.
So I wanted to share with you his opinion and see what what you think.
First of all, he told me that he does not want to experiment or try new technologie that have not been proven for a certain numbers of years on me because I am 29 years olds with 2 young kids and a very good health so he will rather stay with conform procedure.
appropriately prudent
As discussed before, my MGradient is only 18 hg so I was wondering ( and others on this forum) why he would replace my valve instead of going for a Sparing procedure. Well I just learnt that my left ventricule is close to be dilated and that in couple years he might be dilated so that is why he wanted to use the opportunity of the open surgery for the aneurysm to replace the valve before it damages the heart. I do not know what you guys think that now makes more sense
seems logical to me. When we know it is inevitable that you have surgery (for the aneurysm) it seems prudent and logical to prememptively replace something which as it fails will do you damage. Of course there are additional burdens (like AC therapy) brought to you earlier and there "is a chance" (however slim) it does not require operation ever.
He does use the Onyx and the St Jude. He told me that the St Jude is a very solid choice due to its history. However his preferences now lean towards the Onyx because of the cylinder that prevent the Pannus formation. For him the lower INR range does not affect his decision as he believes St Jude and Onyx can handle the same dose of INR ( Onyx marketing is however stronger he told me).
Another detail, he said that the only reason he would put me a St Jude during the operation is if my opening is too small as the St Jude fits smaller space than the Onyx. He said, a smaller valve has higher chance of damaging the heart of an active person and the risk is higher than a Pannus Growth. So if he cannot fit at least a 23 or 25 Onyx valve (I can not remember), he will go St Jude.
I agree about the pannus formation deterent on the On-X but I'd also ask about the "aortic graft pre attached" version of the On-x valve as that may save time / reduce possible complications during surgery from extra stitching.
He probably knows about it, but I'd raise it in case he doesn't.
He strongly suggest Self test at home and lean towards self management. He told me to never take for granted what the clinic says for the dosage and to always questions their decision if I do not agree. ( that unofficially mean to go for self management).
Also he told me that going crazy with a chainsaw won't be an issue with the AC Therapy so that s great and confirm what some of you guys told me
My pre-op is the 24 ( 7 hours in the hospital to get ready for the surgery) and the surgery should be a week or so later.
well, best wishes for surgery, I wish you an uneventful recovery
no matter what you think stick to the advice for the first 8 weeks ... do not press the boundaries and be tarzan in recovery.