2010 ... already? Happy New Year!

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I know ... a bit early on this, but ...

** 2010 is just around the corner ... already?! **

Holy cow ... it's hard to believe that 10 YEARS ago people were wondering if the change from 1999 to 2000 would disrupt life as we know it...! Yet, here we are ... on the brink of "Twenty Ten". Plenty has changed, but some things remain the same. Life is rapidly moving forward ... despite the turmoils and triumphs we've experienced and witnessed ... some of which seem ages ago, others like just yesterday.

Here's to 2009 and years prior ... while looking to 2010 and beyond.


Cort | 36swm.IL | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"Welcoming in the new year" ... Vonda Shepard ... 'What Are You Doing New Year's Eve?'
I think it's weird too that it's going to be 2010! I remember all the Y2K hubbub and all the weird stuff the world was anticipating as 2000 approached. It sure doesn't seem like 10 years has gone by!
Happy New Year to All!
I am retiring July 23rd, 2010. I have been on my job for 25 years and miserable here due to management changes, etc. 3 years ago. I had to stick it out to get my best retirement and keep my insurance. I have nearly made it and since I have been able to save 7 months sick leave I get to leave in July instead of February 2011.
I don't remember time moving this fast when I was younger... I think yesterday I was trying to remember to write 09- then I blinked and now 09 is over.... man, I'm gettin old. No more moonwalking....no more big poofy hair...but hey! leg warmers are coming back ***it feels weird to know that something that was in style when you were young has now been around long enough to go out of fashion and then come back in to fashion... geez.
Happy New Year!!!!

Happy New Year!!!!

Wishing Everyone A Very Happy and HEALTHY New Year.....And Remembering Those Who Are No Longer With Us....Our hearts are with you as we know you are all watching down over us....Happy New Year Everyone!!!:D:D:D:D Harrybaby:D:D
Happy New Year to you all , lets hope and pray that 2010 is a year of lots of good health, happiness and a bit of wealth would be nice too !!
Best Wishes to you all !
I think it's weird too that it's going to be 2010! I remember all the Y2K hubbub and all the weird stuff the world was anticipating as 2000 approached. It sure doesn't seem like 10 years has gone by!

No, it sure doesn't. But, that's exactly what has happened..... Yikes!

I don't remember time moving this fast when I was younger...

Neither do I.

In fact ... we were talking over Christmas about how the Christmas Eve service ALWAYS took AT LEAST 3 hours. Yet, that SAME service now lasts only a half hour. And ... the drive from Elgin to Batavia took at LEAST 2 HOURS ... now, it is about a half hour. LOL! ;)


Ahhh....the first week of a new year and a new decade! The possibilities for TwentyTen are endless....

Hope everyone had a wonderful New Year's Eve / New Year's Day!

Cort | 36swm.IL | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"Wondering...why I even care" ... Nitty Gritty Dirt Band ... 'Modern Day Romance'
so how are we going to say it? Twenty-ten or two thousand ten? Betcha it turns out to be twenty-ten. (shorter).

Sure hope it is Twenty Ten ... but, lately, I've heard it the longer two thousand ten ... which grates on my nerves ... lol.

Cort | 36swm.IL | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"Just another regret" ... All-American Rejects ... 'Dirty Little Secret'