2003 Chicago Reunion closing....

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I will personally get you from the airport and arrange to have oxygen awaiting you here, so there! No excuses!!!

Hey, Les, is that an old photo of you or did you resize a part of an old Moby Grape album? :D

Now look at it through our eyes, Rossman...

Now look at it through our eyes, Rossman...

Besides all the love and care we have for you as an individual..... you?re Hank?s right hand man! How can any reunion really be complete without you there?!!

Like Nancy said, we don't really care what your body looks like or how it functions....... that's not the part we love.... it's much deeper than that. We'll take good care of you, Ross.


hi all!
i just wanted to thank you all for such a wonderful reunion. those of you who brought all the "goodies", that was so thoughtful (janie_ yummy caramel pecans!, billy_thanks for the bushmills , perry_ you and kathy, thank you so much for the mugs and great stuff inside!!!, gina, lorraine, cort_ thanks for all your hospitality. gina, you outdid yourself in planning this wonderful event! we really appreciated everything and enjoyed it thoroughly!).
it was so incredible meeting all of you after our online relationship for so long.
i will never forget this. (by the way, i'm already working on joey for next year's!!!!)
i miss you all already. hope you are all feeling well, sylvia
by the way, you all look so much better ( i know i told you) than your avatars!!!
a really nice looking bunch of folks, everyone!
Hi Sylvia,

Was waiting for you to return! I feel horrible that we were separated at Navy Pier....and did not get to have our goodbyes!

It was so nice to meet you both. Super people just as I suspected;)

It was also great to see Joey having such a good time. He reminds me a lot of my Tracy. Real go getter and always on the move.

Thanks again for coming! All of the planning and organizing was worth it 1000 times over!

You are correct, our avatars do not do us justice. Especially mine. Did you notice Helllo Kitty is out of here! lol.

Hope to see you in Denver!
Take care and give my best to Joey.

Yeah....I know...lots over the dam since then...kinda scary...and sad....and wonderful...all at the same time....

As for Gram, oh heck yes she is. The Cubs are winning, ain't they? ;)

hi gina!
thank you for all the preparation and planning you put into this reunion; it ran so smoothly. you did a wonderful job!
i felt badly that we had so many other obligations and couldn't be with you all on saturday night; sounds like you had quite a time!!!
hopefully, we'll make it to denver next year and we can be with you all the time.
thanks again for everything. it was so special to meet everyone. it's amazing how meeting you all has only confirmed how very fond of you all i am_ each and every one of you is so terrific and being together really meant a lot to us.
joey actually had fun and if i start talking about next year's reunion now, maybe by then he'll agree to go again.
hope you're all well and recovered from the reunion!


We are home too and I have been reading all the posts. I want to ditto everything that has been said about the reunion. It was wonderful, what an amazing group of people you all are!

Thank you to everyone who made it so and especially thank you to all who contributed to get Hank and I there! We don't know who you are, but we truely are honored and appreciative.

To Ross, you need to know how much all of these people love you! I wish I would have video taped Friday nights dinner, so you could hear it for yourself. Without you this site wouldn't be as great as it is. you do so much! Hank and I love you and appreciate you so much, as does everyone else!

I can't wait till next year! If anyone is going to be in the Pheonix area before then, let us know, we would love to see you.
Hello First Lady!

Happy to see you home safe and sound. Would love to hear about Navoo! Drop me a PM if you have a moment.

Working on the list of contributors. Will zap that off to you very soon.


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