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Supporting Member
Jul 19, 2007
Question 1) person is NOT any prescriptions, no heart issues, no cold or post nasal drip, but has had a nagging tickle in their throat. They have tried, Buckelys, Benadryl, Riccola lasengers (sp?) with honey and lemon and drinking tea with honey, nothing has helped or worked.

Does any one have any ideas that they can try to get rid of this tickle cough?

Question 2) Heart Patient: on warfarin, crestor, baby aspirin, diabetic medication and other meds. Patient also has inflammation in the knees (medical term....osterio - something.....I forget or can't spell) Before having to take warfarin, patient use to use Aspercream on their knees, but now this ointment interacts with warfarin, what else can this patient use to relieve the pain?
I'm thinking Tylenol Arthritis might help, but without knowing all the meds this patients is on it's hard to if it will interact with any of them.
uhmm...LOL I think I just answered my own question, boy am I a jerk, sorry gang
Patient #1 needs to be evaluated by a Doctor to rule out possible Reflux and Heart issues. A Good PCP is probably the place to start but s/he may need to see a GastroEnterologist and Cardiologist for a more in-depth evaluation.

Yeah, anti-inflamatory medications and Coumadin don't mix well. Sounds like patient #2 needs to discuss his/her options with an Orthopedic Specialist and a consulting Cardiologist.

'AL Capshaw'
Agree with Al about getting a medical opinion for the "tickle". In the meantime, a gargle named "Alkalol" might be helpful. It is an old time gargle used by singers, etc. to clear phlegm. In the States, it is usually not found on the pharmacy counters, but is available when you go up to the pharmacist and ask for it. For some reason, they keep a small supply behind the counter. It doesn't require a prescription.


If you are on warfrin and can't or don't want to use NSAIDS like asprin, ibuprophen, celebrex, etc - you can have your doctor give you a prescription for nacotic derivative pain relief like darvocet, tramadol, vicodin, etc. They have different names for it overseas. When I was going in for my hip surgery, I had to stop taking NSAIDS - but could stay on the darvocet or vicodin. There are alternatives. Try to use the lest strongest that you can since vicodin can be addictive. A lot of people use tramadol. You need to talk to your family doctor or heart surgoen. When you have pain, you need a solution and there are meds available if you ask.
Thanks Al. Nancy & Pat.
Al: Patient #1 has seen a GastroEnterologist for another stomach issue and Reflux was ruled out.
How can a Heart issue be related to a tickle in the throat? A deep breath can be taken with no urge to cough, there is no phlegm.

As for Patient #2:
Yeah, Heart issues can be the cause of a Dry Cough, but hopefully a 'tickle in the throat' has another cause that needs to be sorted out.

My ENT Doc told me that Lots of his patients are having Allergy induced Post Nasal Drip issues this year.

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