11/23/08: VR-ACHA Pre-Thanksgiving Brunch, Chitown

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VR/ACHA Joint Pre-Thanksgiving Brunch

We will gather to...
...enjoy a wonderful brunch
...enjoy each others' company
... plan for 2009 events, including the already-scheduled VR/ACHA MidWinter Blast (Saturday, January 17, 2009) and a ride in a Hot Air Balloon later in 2009.... Want to get in on the "ground floor" of the 2009 events? JOIN US!!!!

If you need to contact me about this event at any time, my __Cell Ph#__ is noted in my signature below.


Sunday, November 23, 2008




Holiday Inn
800 S IL RT 31
Crystal Lake IL 60014:

This is EASILY ACCESSIBLE and is on IL RT 31 (east side of the road), just SOUTH of IL RT 14.

The brunch is SCRUMPTIOUS!


Any donations given will be split between ValveReplacement.com and the Adult Congenital Heart Association.


ALL ValveReplacement.com and Adult Congenital Heart Association people are WELCOME to JOIN US for this event.

Will YOU join us?

__847___Cort | 35swm | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker
__337___WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
__9897__"When you're surrounded by friends, they say the fun never ends" ... Glen Campbell ... 'Country Boy'
I'm plan to be there. So is Gina. Cort are you going to make it? Anybody else thinking of joining us? If not, Gina and I are going shopping after we eat! ;) We would really like having more of you joining us. This Sunday! 11;30am. for brunch. 11:00am for a Bloody Mary in the bar:D Everyone is welcome! Steve? Della Ann? ACHA members? It's not too late to add to reservations.
Cort are you going to make it?[

I'm not sure yet ... kinda depends on the weather forecast, etc. I will explain later....

Lorraine said:
Anybody else thinking of joining us?
ACHA members?

Not sure. I will post over there shortly to remind people.... Then, I will check when I visit the boards during my "usual" time later tonight ;).

BTW an FYI ... after this gathering or we talk/plan about 2009 events (including the MidWest Blast and the possible hot air balloon ride), I will start a NEW "OFFICIAL" thread for the MidWest Blast, 01/17/09...so that the details are "fresh" and mostly in one post in the thread ;).

Do you think we will postpone? Fully understandable with all that is going on with your family. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Cort? I thought this was "rain or shine";)

Anyway, try to inform this evening if you both get on. I have an opportunity to attend something tomorrow with my family....they were going to go ahead without me. But, I am sure would appreciate it if I were along.

Gina, Cort,

I think we better postpone. I don't want to cancel, but under the circumstance I think I rather just be at home in the morning. I may be going to the city later.

Cort, I did make a reservation for 4 if you do have some ACHA members that were going to be coming out. It isn't under any name though because they didn't ask for one. They no longer serve brunch. Just breakfast, lunch and dinner. Times must be tough!

Gina, I may call you in the morning. Hopfully we can try to get together before the end of the year. Thanks for understanding.
We will get it together another time soon. Not far from CL..so we can just do an impromptu sometime. Even dinner. Please take care of yourself Lorraine. I can imagine how stressful it is to be out of arms reach for your siblings. Will pray for continued improvement for all involved.

I knew you would understand. I'm sure we can squeeze a time to get together sometime in the near future. Have fun with your family today. Did you ever hear from Cort? I hope he knows it's off for today. Thanks for the prayers GF!
OK ladies, I'm quoting what I posted this morning over at ACHA [wasn't on last night because I wasn't feeling well ... feeling better this morning, thank goodness!], since I didn't see anyone else indicating they would be attending....

This is postponed.

I will not be able to be there....

VR's Lorraine may have to be out of town because of her sibling's health issues...

...and VR's Gina has an opportunity to attend an event with her family.

SSSSOOO...soon (maybe even tonight), I will post the OFFICIAL post for the 01/17/09 MidWest Blast ... and we will go from there.

I hope what I posted is OK.....

Cort? I thought this was "rain or shine";)

LOL! Yes.... But, as we've discussed before, "life happens". Hope you have a good time with your family today. :)

I hope to get my older 4 MCs out today and ready to be stored for the winter; I haven't had them out in almost 2 months now because of bad weather over the weekends and other plans. I know I know...people before cars, so I apologize.


When I was younger, I really had nobody else except for family and a few friends, so being alone (and thus, focusing on cars) was "normal". Now, I need to balance cars and people ... and, for the most part, I do OK ... until, as in this case, weather makes getting the older 4 MCs out for 2 months impossible...he heh....

I think we better postpone. I don't want to cancel, but under the circumstance I think I rather just be at home in the morning. I may be going to the city later.

That is fine, Lorraine. You already know thoughts/prayers are en route to you and your family from me!

Lorraine said:
Cort, I did make a reservation for 4 if you do have some ACHA members that were going to be coming out. It isn't under any name though because they didn't ask for one. They no longer serve brunch. Just breakfast, lunch and dinner. Times must be tough!


I didn't mention the reservation since nobody over there indicating they were planning to go. Maybe I should've, but at this point, I don't know if anyone would be checking the boards before heading out ... and most of the Chicago area people over there haven't posted in a while, that I've seen anyway....

OK ... I believe I have enough details to post the OFFICIAL post for the 01/17/09 gathering (as I noted in the post over at ACHA), so I will most-likely post that TONIGHT yet ... we'll see ;).

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