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  1. S

    Surgery is officially recommended

    So this is the message I just got from my friend (who is a cardiac thoracic surgeon) "Tissue Valves can be very good option for a bicuspid valve replacement. There are new types of tissue valves that have been developed that have proven to be very durable. Yes Mech valves do last forever...
  2. S

    Surgery is officially recommended

    Dang, I am sorry. I didn't mean ALL doctors. LOL There are definitely some good ones out there.
  3. S

    Surgery is officially recommended

    The doctor also said to stop all my work outs. He said walking is fine, but even the 120 I allowing my heartrate to get to is too high. :(
  4. S

    Surgery is officially recommended

    Yeah, it sucks that there are always financial considerations for the doctors. Money shouldn't play into a recommendation, but as we all saw with the opioid epidemic, it does.
  5. S

    Mechanical valve ticking

    Yes, the same doctor. Apparently He didn't realize that I had to wait two months for this appointment. He said the office has had some of the sickest people in the past month, that it has been crazy there and that if it had actually been emergent he would have sent me to the hospital as soon as...
  6. S

    Surgery is officially recommended

    I am still leaning towards a mechanical. It just doesn't make sense to have to get sick again and get another valve. I understand I can still have problems with a mechanical, but there is a far greater possibility of the mechanical lasting for the rest of my life.
  7. S

    Surgery is officially recommended

    It's a bit funny. He made me wait forever to give me the test results, and then I get there and he is like, let's get this done! LOL Told me the referred surgeon doesn't drag his feet and can get me in quick. Still getting opinions from two surgeons though.
  8. S

    Surgery is officially recommended

    The doctor he referred me to is a great surgeon with a very good reputation. I googled him. LOL That said, after my angio when I schedule the surgical consult I will be scheduling with a second doctor that I choose. Hopefully get my two opinions one on top of the other. I am just a little...
  9. S

    Mechanical valve ticking

    The cardiologist told me he thought I should get a tissue valve. It absolutely blew me away. He said tissue valves are better for those with BAV.
  10. S

    Surgery is officially recommended

    I just got back from my long awaited cardiologist appointment. The doctor said I needed a new valve and surgery for my ascending aortic aneurysm. So I have been referred for surgery and am getting an angiogram next week. One thing I am confused about is he stated that tissue valves are preferred...
  11. S

    Is numbness of the feet a sign things are getting worse?

    It's scary to know that doctors like this are out there, and that it takes so long to for them to be uncovered...
  12. S

    Is numbness of the feet a sign things are getting worse?

    Yep, I watched it too. The system failed in letting him get through the cracks. So sad...
  13. S

    Mechanical valve ticking

    Well this has me a little worried. The part about your anatomy. My wife already says my heartbeat feels/sounds closer to the surface due to my Pectus Excavatum. At 50 years old I really don't see an option besides a mechanical valve. Oh well, I guess I'll figure it out.
  14. S

    Is numbness of the feet a sign things are getting worse?

    I actually watched one of the shows they did about him, or maybe two...
  15. S

    Is numbness of the feet a sign things are getting worse?

    Yes, I find it strange. I want to ask why he felt I didn't need to know the result of my tests for months. Why he felt this issue wasn't a big deal...
  16. S

    Black stool

    I tried to go to the website and it says website cannot be loaded. Is this available in the US?
  17. S

    The Coumadin Cookbook

  18. S

    The Coumadin Cookbook

    Well, I am hope it is available to me when I need it. Going to a lab every week would be a pain in the butt.
  19. S

    Is numbness of the feet a sign things are getting worse?

    Yes, I have a smart watch, and one of those smart rings. It measures my bp, pulse ox, sleep and heart rate, as well as letting me know if my heart isn't beating right. I know, overkill. It keeps telling me no arrhythmias. Also my aneurysm measured 4.5, so this should still be a safe measurement...
  20. S

    The Coumadin Cookbook

    They probably didn't have the ability to home monitor back when the cookbook was written. It looks a bit dated.