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  1. N

    Shadow Reader

    Hi Sean- Best of luck on your surgery and the "new" you!
  2. N

    Warfarin Necrosis???

    I don't really get the fright of Coumadin. My husband was on it for over 30 years. It had the fewest side effects of ANY of the other medications he ever had. And in his younger days, he wasn't just sitting around doing nothing, he was active and very, very athletic. The things that are being...
  3. N

    Can't breathe lying down, I'm going to lose it

    You have to call your doctor and get some help with this. You may need more than Lasix to get rid of the fluid. My husband had CHF for years and years. It does come and go and for the most part, if your kidneys cooperate, can be controlled with Lasix and also possibly Zaroxolyn along with the...
  4. N

    Coagulation and Roller Coasters?

    It might just be one of the things that happens with Marfan syndrome with or without Coumadin. Cleveland Clinic has a description of Marfan and mentions intracranial bleeding or brain aneurysms. See this article, scroll down to Changes in the heart and blood vessels...
  5. N

    Warfarin Necrosis???

    Here are 3 photos of Coumadin induced skin necrosis. I think you will agree that these are a far cry from blotchy skin. Necrosis means dying or dead tissues, not blotchy skin. Coumadin induced skin necrosis is a rare condition.
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    my sister sent this to me

    That's just beautiful. Great rendition of an old time song.
  7. N

    Warfarin Necrosis???

    One of the very rarest coumadin "Very rarest" indicates that this is a very rare condition. So the chances of this happening are pretty darned slim.
  8. N

    here we go again!

    Oh no, Joy. I am so sorry to read this. I think you will do fine. In most hospitals, the heart surgeons and their staff are sort of on a higher plain than the rest of the hospital and hoppefully more exacting. And your after care should be better as well.
  9. N

    Weird Sensations... not sure if it's heart related or not!

    I think you should definitely call your doctor about this. It isn't normal to be feeling vibrations in your head or neck and maybe you should get your carotids and jugular veins checked out. Also dizziness should be checked out, heart rhythm-wise and for all of the other things that can cause...
  10. N

    Had six month Echo

    Glenda- You are a walking miracle! Congratulations.
  11. N

    Guess what ? That's right mechanical -v- tissue (with a hint of Ross)

    As you mentioned Lyn, re: seniors "many have other problems that happen more often in people who are older, that can be (not necessarly) complicated by also being on coumadin" Those "other" problems which can and often do happen to folks who are older, have the potential to stop further...
  12. N

    How do you prolong the life of your new tissue valve?

    If there was something magical that people could do to prolong the life of a tissue valve, it would be BIG news, and would be all over this site. Unfortunately, your own body chemistry, and I would imagine, the structure of the valve itself are things that impact the valve. Other than being...
  13. N

    Fallin' down dizzy

    I've got to say that dizziness with heart people, scares me. Joe had many dizzy spells, and he also had a couple of outright fainting spells where he injured himself and one in particular that I watched happen as I was coming in the door and he was walking to greet me. He fell right over like a...
  14. N

    Just a little thank you and a question

    Here a good thread about pre-surgery needs. I guarantee that he won't be shooing you all away this time. He will be very weak when he comes home and will need care for the first week and...
  15. N

    Strange rhythm - anyone had one fo these

    It's hard to determine what sort arrhythmia you have w/o a heart monitor. Many are simple PVCs, but there are a boatload of other ones, some benign and some not benign. You should run it by your cardiologist. I know you mention that you asked your doc, but did you ask the card.?
  16. N

    Metobolic Cardiology,,, is this hope or fiction - please discuss

    Statins can cause liver problems. Within CHF there is a condition called ascites (abdominal fluid retention), which can get into the liver and cause problems there including scarring. I have been on Simvastatin for several years, and have my liver enzymes checked out frequently, and they are...
  17. N

    Guess what ? That's right mechanical -v- tissue (with a hint of Ross)

    There are many things to consider about this surgery. Mechanical vs. tissue vs. Ross procedure and on and on, are all important to learn about and think about. But, as the wife of a man who had multiple valve surgeries, I can tell you, those things are not the only things to consider by a long...
  18. N

    Best advice ever

    I really think it is best to let your own surgeon and hospital do the decision making about shaving. Some do not like to use blade razors or even clip too close because they do not want to risk any open skin areas where an infection could set up shop.
  19. N

    I wish I never lived

    Sounds like you are in a better place now emotionally, and I believe you will find a golden opportunity made just for you. You have so much to offer and you are now better physically, in spite of the defibrillator. Wishing you all the best. It's not so much about what happens to us in life...
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    Metropolol vs. Losartan - wonder drugs or bad medacine?

    I've been on Cozaar for years for high BP. Now, there are times when my blood pressure is too low to even take the medication. So it must have some restorative properties. I have no side effects from it either. I was on a beta blocker prior to that plus a diuretic. Both were bad news. With the...