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  1. Rain

    Grandpa's new Grandaughter

    Congratulations!! Congratulations!! What a cutie!! Did you know I had a grandbaby the other day?!! :eek: :D I'm so excited! The kids (mom & dad) are sooooo tired.... I just feel so sorry for them. lol ......... and sooooo glad it's them instead of me! :eek: I think I'm gonna like this...
  2. Rain

    Got A Surprise For Yall!!!!!!!!

    Uncle Harrybaby!!!!! Uncle Harrybaby!!!!! HEY!! She's almost as cute as my little Ethan!! :D Just kidding Harry, she is a total DOLL!:) You know she's only about twenty days younger than him.... maybe they'll meet in college some day. :eek: :D I donno...... we're all sorta CSU kids in...
  3. Rain

    When do you take your Coumadin/Warfarin?

    After I eat.... After I eat.... I take mine after I have something to eat.... more like 'brunch'. :) I'm not a breakfast eater, but I do usually eat an early lunch and follow with a hand full of meds for desert. :eek:
  4. Rain

    Marfan's news segment 5.11.06

    Thanks Marguerite! Thanks Marguerite! I am signed up for the newsletter too, but didn't get the notice. Thanks!
  5. Rain

    Happy Birthday Robthatsme

    Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Hey Robthatsyou!!!! Happy Birthday! Hope it was a good one! :D I'm surprised Janie didn't post that 'Fabio' pic in honor of your birthday!! :p Love viewing the pictures of your travels. :) Hope life is treating you well.
  6. Rain

    Expected but still sad

    Warm hugs, Betty. Warm hugs, Betty. Betty, I'm so sorry to hear of the passing of your Mom. It's always hard, no matter the circumstances. There is such a special Mother daughter bond... it's hard to let them go. Warm hugs to you, Tom and your family. Rain
  7. Rain

    He's here!!

    Ethan Forrest Ethan Forrest The little guy has a name. :) Ethan Forrest. Thank you all so much for the well wishes. He's already a joy to be with. I just love him. And congratulations to you Jim!! Is this your son who is in AZ? And to you too, Christine and Christina!!! And...
  8. Rain

    He's here!!

    Oh thank you, thank you everyone. Oh thank you, thank you everyone. You can probably guess where I’ve been most of the afternoon. :) I could just sit and hold him for hours. Thank you all!! My sister came by the hospital to see him and as she held him she said, "I would just love to have...
  9. Rain

    Listen to Knightfan's radio show....

    oops oops Thanks Praline!
  10. Rain

    He's here!!

    I thought I would share with you, my heart buddies.... my overwhelming joy of becoming a Grandma. :) Our grandbaby arrived early this morning. He's a healthy 7lb 10.5 oz I'm just so happy for my son and daughter-in-law. They'll be wonderful parents. And I can't wait to start practicing my...
  11. Rain


    Hey Mr. Rob!! Hey Mr. Rob!! I loved your pictures!! So nice of you to take the time to share them with us. They are so beautiful. I was thrilled to hear you are doing so well on the anniversary of your valve too. :) My valve turned six years old 4-6. I'm off to get my echo in a couple...
  12. Rain

    Happy Birthday FyrFyter and Volsfan!

    Happy Birthday Dave!! Happy Birthday Dave!! I'd forgotten that I had my surgery on your birthday! :D We gotta celebrate together one of these years!! Hope you had a great day and I'm looking forward to seeing you on the cruise!!! :D
  13. Rain

    7 Year Since Mechanical Insertion

    And the tallest lady is........ And the tallest lady is........ Happy anniversary Mr. Hankypoo!!! :D I?m right behind you.... I just celebrated my sixth anniversary a couple days ago. I hope we're still celebrating together in another seven years!! :D :D And another seven and another...
  14. Rain

    2004 Golden, Colorado Memories

    2007 would be great! 2007 would be great! My summer is way to full this year too. Lots of stuff going on, but 2007 woudl be great! A summer reunion would not only be great for teachers and people who want to bring their kids, but also for folks who want to come out in their motorhomes. We...
  15. Rain

    The "art" transplant - cellular memory

    Now we know.... Now we know.... So that's why we lose a little bit of memory when they take out the old valve. :eek: :p
  16. Rain

    2005 Vegas Reunion PICS

    Nice pics Hank!!! Nice pics Hank!!! Wow... I can't believe these pictures have been here for two weeks and all our picture crazy friends haven't said a word... :confused: That's okay..... lets just not share the bikini pics from the cruise. :p :p
  17. Rain

    2004 Golden, Colorado Memories

    Come on over!! Come on over!! Cool article Al! I’d love to have you all back to Colorado. Next time it would be neat to have it in Durango just as the colors are turning or even a little earlier. You guys would just love it there. Beautiful little town with lots of things to see and do...
  18. Rain

    March 15th Booking Deadline!!

    I?m booked!! I?m booked!! Heidi & Kristi, We?ll be driving, so we?ll probably get there early too. I?m not sure of the specifics yet, but if possible I?d love to get together with you all. :) The cruise lady also talked me into the 8:00 meal. Hope that?s still vr dinner time! :eek: Seems...
  19. Rain

    Georgia could use some prayers

    Georgia, I wish there was something I could do to help. I know how hard it is to deal with the loss of a parent. Know that there are many people here who love and care about you...... thinking of you. Warm hugs, Rain
  20. Rain

    I Have to ask this.....

    I so totally agree, Bob! I so totally agree, Bob! I especially hate the threat.... and if I do occasionally pass one I feel is worthy on to anyone... you can be sure the threat is gone! :mad: The one thing I would add though.... is that it is a way to stay in touch with people you really...