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  1. Rich

    Missed my anniversary

    Happy belated 7th Ross and wishing you many more to come. Rich
  2. Rich

    29 years to the same ball and chain and grandson 1 year old today!

    Happy anniversary Ross and Lyn and birthday wishes to the little one as well. So Ross in your humble opinion do we put up with them or do they put up with us? Rich
  3. Rich

    Life Expectancy After VR

    I don't know how long it will last, but I do know I wouldn't be here typing this without it. When my cardio diagnosed my bad valve, he said a valve like mine was a big cause of sudden death. So I'm thankful for almost thirteen years added to my life. My surgeon said I would most likely die of...
  4. Rich

    My Bridgette Lost the Battle Today

    Norma, That is very sad news. We lost our wonderful German Shepherd to diabetes when he was sixteen and a half years old. It has been a long time ago, but we still think about him all the time. Gone but certainly not forgotten. Rich
  5. Rich

    Well the dreaded layoff is happening

    Ross, I havn't been here for a number of days, and now I see this. I'm really sorry to hear this news. Hang tough and hopefully things will improve someday. My son is laid off right now and both my son-in-laws are on shaky ground. Thankfully all the wives are still working, but who knows for how...
  6. Rich

    Lipitor reaction?

    As Ann mentioned my wife tried every statin there was in 2002. She went from a very active lady to someone who couldn't even walk. Needless to say all those grugs went in the trash. She now has an MD who believes very strongly in alternatives. Go to this site and read peoples reactions to this...
  7. Rich

    Dangerous drug!

    I believe some of the problems come from lack of education from peoples doctors. I was sitting in my cardios waiting room one day, and a patient came in and told them he just didn't have time to be bothered with blood tests. So they asked him when was the last time he had his INR checked. He...
  8. Rich

    Smile it's Spring!

    Whatever she tells me to do!!
  9. Rich

    Coumadin or warfarin

    Al, It was Taro that I tried. Ross, You are probably right, I could have gotten back in range even with a little adjustment. The problem for me is I panic when my INR drops below 2.0. People including my wife's sister died from that situation. That is why I'm glad my cardio insists on a range...
  10. Rich

    Who all uses some type of noise to sleep with?

    I really like fans but only during the summer months which isn't very long around here. In the rest of the year my wifes snoring blocks out most any other noise and I sleep just fine. And if she reads this I will be sleeping in the garage. Rich
  11. Rich

    Coumadin or warfarin

    This subject has been discussed a number of times, and most people have no problems with the generic. However a few of us do have problems with it. After being on Coumadin for around twelve years, my cardiologist asked me to try warfarin. I had my inr checked the day before I started it and it...
  12. Rich

    Cholesterol Meds - Opinions / Costs?

    To all, My wife is currently taking a relatively new supplement called Natrol Carb Intercept. She has to get it directly from her doctor's office, and the cost is around $30 for a two month supply. She is also continuing with the CoQ10 because of the length of time she was on Zetia. How well...
  13. Rich

    Cholesterol Meds - Opinions / Costs?

    Al, For those that can tolerate statins it's probably a good thing. But as you have read there are many who cannot take a statin drug. That includes my wife and others like Ann. My wife was on Zetia for a long time but it didn't do much, then when the report came out a year or two ago, it...
  14. Rich

    Hear ye! Hear ye! Ross' hatching day!!!

    Happy Birthday young man!! I had to say 'young' because when an 'old' man like you is the same age as our son,what the hell does that make me? Rich
  15. Rich

    Surgeon's in Chicago

    Nick, Welcome to this site. I can't answer your question, but we have a lot of members from the Chicago area. I'm sure you will get some responses soon. Rich
  16. Rich

    Joke time

    Tax time Tax time THE TAXMAN COMETH At the end of the tax year, the Tax Office sent an inspector to audit the books of a Synagogue. While he was checking the books he turned to the Rabbi and said, 'I notice you buy a lot of candles. What do you do with the candle drippings?' 'Good...
  17. Rich

    Gift for surgeon?

    I send a thank you card to my surgeon every year on the anniversary of my operation. He has received twelve so far. Rich
  18. Rich

    Funny Story On My Way To My Heart Cath

    Book, It sounds like you are going to an excellent place for your surgery. I sure hope all goes well for you. Rich
  19. Rich

    New to forum-advocate for Rochester, NY patient

    It's really nice you are there for your friend. We all needed someone to be there for us. Since you are in Rochester have you considered the Cleveland Clinic? It's really not that far away from Cleveland(I have been to Rochester when I still resided in Cleveland). Rich
  20. Rich

    Sending prayers to our Melbourne members

    This is a terrible tragedy and I hope our friends down there are OK. If they catch the ones who may have started this, I can't post what I would do to them. Rich