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  1. L

    Cardio Rehab

    Oh wonderful.....I am so glad I am going to give it a try. I just refuse to feel bad. I am only two weeks post op and know I have a long way to go, but I can't feel like this forever. Any small thing will help. I don't have cholesterol problems, but just was a well rounded and balanced program...
  2. L

    Chest tightness

    Dayton, I am glad everything turned out good. Have fun and take lots of pics...then you can share them with all of us who are recovering and we can act like we are on a cruise. I'm not too far from Galveston. If ya'll weren't in a big hurry I'd make ya'll lunch. Trina
  3. L

    Cardio Rehab

    I would love to hear from those who have done the cardio rehab. I just spoke to my hospital today and will be taking a visit next week to check it all out. I am determined I will get to feeling good and I'm going to work like mad to get there. I like the whole team approach, especially the...
  4. L

    inr still messed up

    That seems to be the only thing we've gotten right with my whole OHS. It only took me one visit to the doctor to get my level good.
  5. L

    Legs like jello

    I'm glad to hear all this is normal. Today, I got up and did a few little things around the house and then sat, did a couple of things and then sat. I walked to the mailbox and back. I am going to begin looking at these things as little milestones. I sure hope they fixed everything the first...
  6. L

    Did anyone have a weight loss from surgery?

    That's why I'm looking forward to cardiac rehab and having a team of specialists to work with me. I love knowing that the nutritionist is part of the team. I am so determined to get to a nice, healthy weight.
  7. L

    Legs like jello

    That's when you know boredome is setting in. I guess I've been a stick in the mud.....hubby keeps trying to get me out and take me to lunch or dinner and combine it with my doctor visits. After the doc visit I am wiped out so I just want to go home. I know it disappoints me, but I just want to...
  8. L

    Tests lie???????

    My last echo and all the echos over the years didn't show a inkling of what I had going on inside. I was so shocked to learn that.
  9. L

    Aussie Member Loves the View From This Side Of the Mountain

    Glad you are doing well.....hope everything continues to go well.
  10. L

    Did anyone have a weight loss from surgery?

    I've lost 10 so far.
  11. L

    Legs like jello

    I am not on any meds except the coumadin. The weather is fixing to get real nasty here beginning tonight, so I will be doing laps here and there in the house. I felt a little better tonight. Hubert (my heart pillow that my daughter named) has really been helping me alot. He allows me to stay up...
  12. L

    What Do You Wish You'd Known Pre-Surg...

    My hubby bought me a card and put updated photos inside the card. The nurses and doctors really enjoyed looking at the pics, esp. my new grandbaby. I think it was nice because it allows them to see that I was more than a patient....I was a wife, mom, grandma, etc. They ended up tacking all my...
  13. L

    What Do You Wish You'd Known Pre-Surg...

    Oh that makes me cringe again.....the chest tubes were horrible coming out. Even though it was quick, it threw me for a loop.
  14. L

    The recovery time

    I can hear all my students now......oh goodness they askk so many questions!
  15. L

    The recovery time

    Chuck, We women don't want anything that messes up our cleavage...not even a scar running in between.....hehe....I just had to mess with Ross.
  16. L

    How do you sleep?

    Hubby propped me up on loads of pillows last night. It was the best thing he could have done. I finally slept.
  17. L

    Legs like jello

    Thanks everyone. I am trying to do some easy things in the house during the day, get up and take a shower, put on makeup and fix hair. Just those few things drain me. I wait for my hubby to get home in the afternoon until I go outside. I am measuring by houses. The first day I went one driveway...
  18. L

    What have you done differently after heart surgery?

    What great answers. I am having lots of things to think about as I recover. I am definitely looking at life a little differently.
  19. L

    Surgeons letter

    Wow, how scary this must be. I taught special needs for several years and feel I could still do it once I've healed, but last year I took a position teaching special ed teachers. There is alot you can do out there, especially in this field so don't give up.