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  1. sunflowergirl

    Peeling on chest and stomach/numbness left chest

    Angel, I have no numbness so I can't help with that. But as far as you think it might be the soap. I have been using dial (the recommend soap) and it is sooo drying. I hate the itching feeling too. Robin
  2. sunflowergirl

    Post-op clothes question

    I was happy in soft t-shirts...and pajamas sets......but I did not like anything with buttons or anything scratching that might hit the incision. I seem to still hold things off of it. As for bras, I started off with nothing....I am a, of course, I had to figure something out so we...
  3. sunflowergirl

    After your surgery, what are some of the things that you found out that surprised you

    I was surprised when they took my large chest bandage off the third day by the huge open holes in my upper abdomen (drain holes) I was just not expecting anything left on me not sewn up in some way. I was surprised to learn that my valve had deformed and webbed to become one cusp and the echo...
  4. sunflowergirl

    Colin is in ICU

    So glad to hear all is going well...keep us updated. :) Robin
  5. sunflowergirl


    I was told on Monday by my cardiologist to try at the 6 week point...I had not thought about the seatbelt bothering me...I guess we will have to wait and see. Robin (4 weeks post op today)
  6. sunflowergirl

    6 days

    Hi Penny, so glad you are doing ok. I agree with everyone else...YOU SHOULD HAVE PAIN MEDS. I still take one vicodin before bed and it really helps me(I am almost 4 weeks post op). My surgeons office and my cardiologist both said it was fine and in fact, impressed, that I had eliminated them...
  7. sunflowergirl

    Shadow Reader

    Hi Sean, I am only 43 and I am 3 1/2 weeks post op. Welcome and I will be thinking of you on Wednesday....and watching for your updates. Robin
  8. sunflowergirl

    I have 2 post op questions

    Hi everyone. Ok I don't want everyone worrying about my drain holes. I saw the cardiologist today and she thought they looked alright....alittle red but the yellowy part I see is new skin growing (who knew). She said to worry when I see green discharge or a smell. So my drain holes are ok...
  9. sunflowergirl

    I have 2 post op questions

    Well, I went to my primary care for another reason and she took a look and thought they looked bad. So she gave me Myosprin 2% and some Keflex. I put the ointment on and honestly, now that about 4 days have gone by, they look worse. They are alittle red around edges. I am afraid to take the...
  10. sunflowergirl

    Under the knife in less than 3 weeks

    New Guy, Welcome...I just had my surgery 3 weeks ago and I too have found this to be my favorite place. I found so much information prior to my surgery helpful and now that I have reached " the other side" I am here everyday getting more information, learning more and watching as more and more...
  11. sunflowergirl

    Wait I still function

    Robb, glad to hear you are doing well.....keep it up :) Robin
  12. sunflowergirl

    Penny's post surgery progress

    Yes I completely agree. They kept telling my husband"go" but I would not let him leave me. Everytime I hit my nurse button, it would take forever for someone to come. At one point, IN CARDIAC ICU ! , I had to pound on my rail of my bed because no one would answer my button. They...
  13. sunflowergirl

    Penny's post surgery progress

    So happy to hear all is well. Let your mom know I am thinking Of her. Robin
  14. sunflowergirl

    Penny's post surgery progress

    me too :(
  15. sunflowergirl

    Penny's post surgery progress

    So happy to hear....thanks for updating us Robin
  16. sunflowergirl

    Light headed after heart cath

    I agree...I felt lightheaded when I first stood up...but after walking halls I was fine. You should contact doctors office. Robin
  17. sunflowergirl

    I have 2 post op questions

    Todd- have to say that was a description---had not really thought of it in that way...but I guess it is true Lyn- I'd have to answer no to most of your fever, no redness, no smell......the color of ooze is clear to least lightly yellow.....and only a little bit...
  18. sunflowergirl

    I have 2 post op questions

    First, My heart rate seems high. I am sure I use to be like 65-70 and now I am 90-95. I feel like that seems high. That is at rest with an at home BP machine (brand new and very reliable) The nurse during my Follow up last week said is was high then too. My BP is good 114/70 What is your...
  19. sunflowergirl

    Today is the day

    good luck, i will be thinking of you...looking forward to hearing your updates. robin
  20. sunflowergirl

    2 weeks Post op

    Thanks....each day is a little easier :)