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  1. E

    I have pneumonia.

    Hi Hens So sorry to hear you have pneumonia. Get off this puter, back into bed and keep sweating. Drink lots, too. Evelyn
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    Hello All

    YAHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!! So glad to see you back, Rossman!!!!! I haven't been on all weekend because our kennel club hosted an agility trial, so we worked, but I checked first thing this morning. I'm soooo glad you've got that over and done with. Just rest, relax, eat...
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    Mileage Throwdwon, 10-10

    YAAAAAY....6 MILES FOR US THIS WEEK. Last week it was only 4. Evelyn
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    Who's Going To Be Next!

    Today was our day....8 a.m. we both got our shots. I like the way they do it down here....the dr.'s office is open from 8-9:30 for "non-doctor" related things like INR tests, flu shots, and other blood work. At 9:30 the day starts with the dr. there for regular office appointments. We got...
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    Cardiac Rehab - Pros and Cons?

    When Tyce had his AVR almost 7 years ago, we inquired about rehab for him. His words were basically...."get out and walk." We opted not to have rehab, but walked every day and Tyce did absolutely fine. He was in good shape prior to surgery and had always been active, which he still is. I...
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    Snow Time

    Great Pic, Dennis.... NO, NO, say it isn't "SNOW!!" No snow down here in Virginny. Days are in the high 70's and nights go down to about kind of weather. "They're" saying a cold winter, but who knows. Tyce said the other day that if he never sees snow again it will be too...
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    Coumadin Emergency? Please read and help asap!

    Jeannie We eat every vege known to man at any time. There's no "Not" eating any vege high in Vit K......we just adjust our doseage. However, being that you think you'll probably be high, have a good time with them, especially if you haven't had them in awhile. As Rossman always says, "Dose...
  8. E

    Coumadin Emergency? Please read and help asap!

    Hi Jeannie Don't get crazy....I would enjoy the weekend eating all the veges you like and go first thing Monday and get your INR checked. What is your target range anyway? If you can, it's well worth it to invest in your own home monitor.....that way you can check whenever it's necessary or...
  9. E

    Full Dental Extractions Fully Anticoagulated?

    Hi Rossman Do they have to do it all at one time? Can't they take 1/4 or 1/2 at one shot and then the same later? That way there would be less bleeding and might be easier on you. Just a thought. Ev
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    Mileage Throwdwon, 10-3

    Ok, the walked twice this week, T and Th and our total is 4 miles....2 a day. we try to walk every other day, which would be about 8 miles a week. Hope it's a little help. Evelyn
  11. E

    Ordering 48 INRatio strips?

    Hi Marsha Our INRatio has NOT notified us or refused to read an outdated strip. I know the Coaguchek did....almost to the day of the month it expired, but not true with the INRatio. I've used strips that were outdated....actually, I used one last was about one month out and nary a...
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    Still in The Waiting Room!

    Hi Steve Good news that you're still in the waiting room!!!! Sorry about the "old" cardio, but glad you like the "young" one. Remember, vacuum and dust that waiting room ---- you might be there a long time and need to keep it clean!!!! Stay well. Evelyn
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    Ordering 48 INRatio strips?

    M. Our new box expires 9/09....a year from the time we got it. We test every week, so 48 strips will last a year. Evelyn
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    Hi Catwoman Raytel would be very happy to file against Medicare and UHC if we had leased a machine through them and wanted us to go that route. Tyce said NO, that we already owned our own INRatio, to which they promptly said that we would have to pay for the strips directly and file against...
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    We just ordered a box of 48 strips and some lancettes from Raytel because they are secondary on my husband's insurance and in network for UHC.....We own our own INRatio, so we just needed the supplies, and did NOT need to rent the machine. Raytel REFUSEd to file with Medicare (Tyce's primary)...
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    Forced to change - Coumadin to Generic

    Hi Jean Tyce has been on both, NO difference at all. Evelyn
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    Husband's OHS date set

    Hi Nursekelly When Tyce had his OHS I was on summer vacation from school, so there was no problem with someone being there. My gut would be two weeks. I think if it was necessary, he could have done ok after one, but I think he was still very uncomfortable. Two weeks would be my...
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    Southern USA but where??

    My first instinct was atlanta, too. Ev
  19. E

    Oh my goodness I am here!

    Yaaaaaaaay yaaaaaaaps!!!!!!!! Glad you're home. Evelyn
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    Joey's 7th Anniversary (RP)

    Hi Sylvia So good to hear from you again. I wondered what had happened, but glad all is well. Give Joey our congratulations on 7 years. Tyce just passed 6 in is good. Be well, glad you love your lake house. Evelyn ps. don't be a stranger!!!!