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Valve Replacement Forums

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  1. E

    SuperBob goes under the knife on Tuesday; hold a good thought!

    Superbob..... I'll put you in my prayers right'll be fine. Please have someone post and let us know how you've done. Hurry Back. Evelyn
  2. E

    Hurricanes in Texas

    Cool pic, Lisa....thanks. Evelyn
  3. E

    Left Arm Numbness

    It may be absolutely nothing, but why worry about it. Check it out. Evelyn
  4. E

    Happy Birthday OrlandoTommy (35)

    Happy Birthday, Tommy......ENJOY BIG TIME!!!! Evelyn
  5. E

    Home again

    Welcome Home!!!! Now remember to follow the motto: walk, walk, walk, nap, nap, nap, and breathe, breathe, breathe. Lots of short walks, many naps and use that spirometer. I think that nasty little instrument does the most good in getting those lungs working the way they should and...
  6. E

    Need help! INR higher than 9.0

    Good Morning Blanche I'm so glad to see your post!!! The first thing I did when I got on the 'puter was check to see if you had posted regarding Al. I hope it doesn't go any lower, either, but I know you'll check in 3 days again. Keep us posted. Ev
  7. E

    Need help! INR higher than 9.0

    Hi Blanche So sorry to hear about Al. I will put you both in my prayers. I'm kind of in agreement with Nancy on this one. Knowing his history, I would certainly watch him very closely this weekend (which I know you will do) or get him to an ER if anything seems amiss. Please keep us posted...
  8. E

    TIME HAS COME.....GOOD-bye

  9. E

    3 days and home

    WELCOME HOME!!!! Rest, nap, walk and breathe.....each day will get better. Evelyn
  10. E

    MVR-My dad 53yrs old

    Hi Dats First of all, take a very deep breath. Now take a second. You have come to the right place because almost everyone here has had valve replacement or repairs or are the s/o of someone who has. My husband had an aortic valve replacement at 59. He too went into afib. Right now, at 65...
  11. E

    Filler Up....Not

    Just got this from the market.....oil is $94.76 right now.....dropping $6.37 since how come gas is up to $3.69.9 in Virginia?????? It went up 20 cents a gallon over the weekend. Something is rotten in Denmark, as my Mother used to say. Evelyn
  12. E

    Prayers please... for my mom

    Hi P Boy, you sure have had a rough go the last few years. I know your Mom will be ok. I'll definitely put you all in my prayers. Evelyn
  13. E

    Please pray for us.

    Linda I will put her in my prayers.....I'm sure she'll be fine but it can't hurt. Evelyn
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    vkernus's surgery on Wed.

    Prayers and good wishes are going to you for Wednesday. You'll be fine...... Evelyn
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    dhutche's AVR on Wed.

    Will put you on my prayer list and wish you the best for Wednesday. God Bless. Evelyn
  16. E

    debster913 news from husband

    Just take really great care of her, Mike. There's not too much you can do about the flu.....just lots of fluids and rest. If she gets worse, don't think twice about taking her to the hospital. Evelyn
  17. E

    What about work?

    There have been absolutely no limitations for my husband, Tyce. He does absolutely everything he did pre mechanical valve. The other day he took the mower deck off the tractor, replaced the throttle (or choke....i can't remember what it is) and does everything else normally. Hope it helps...
  18. E

    Those in Ike's path

    Hi All I've been following this storm through the night. My prayers are with you all. I can't imagaine NOT evacuating a place like Galveston. So many are without power. May God Bless you all. The good thing is it will look better....or the daylight when Ike has moved on. Evelyn
  19. E

    Staples vs thread stitch

    As we were told, human grade SUPER GLUE!!! Evelyn
  20. E

    Happy Birthday Al lodwick !!!!!

    Hi Al God Bless and have a wonderful birthday!!!!!!! You are the best. Evelyn