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  1. AgilityDog

    Alternatives to Carveredilol...this stuff is kicking my butt!

    Sorry to be so late replying. We are super busy at the office, and the last thing I do at home is get on the computer. Yes, I eventually adjusted to the Coreg, and all my other drugs, but it took months and months - a year, basically. I was also healing from extensive OHS and nearly dying, so...
  2. AgilityDog


    Some of us had caffeine restrictions prior to surgery because they were also running tests that prohibited caffeine use: stress tests, blood pressure, and a-fib can all be affected by excess caffeine. So in my case, the week before my first surgery (when I was hospitalized after a TIA on the...
  3. AgilityDog

    My first powerlifting competition date is set - 9/22/2012

    Good Luck! I know how important it is to get back to your competition. It proves you are BACK. I'm grateful every time Jet and I walk into an agility ring. I know we train in class, and on our own, but getting back into the ring to test ourselves against the challenge of the day is special.
  4. AgilityDog

    Maze Procedure with Valve Replacement

    I had my maze when my MVR was done, and the atrial annex was closed off at the same time. It might be a bit more difficult with the valve already in-situ, but if the doctor says it can be done, go for it. I love my maze, even though it left me with a pacemaker. No more a-fib.
  5. AgilityDog

    double valve replacement

    I had MVR plus maze procedure 9/2006, then AVR with a tricuspid repair in 2010. I vote for doing both at the same time, if eligible, and if the patient is stable enough to handle all that work. I was not stable enough at the time, plus my regurge was not bad enough, so I did not qualify to do...
  6. AgilityDog

    Alternatives to Carveredilol...this stuff is kicking my butt!

    If you can take the meds 12 hours apart, with food, that may help SOME. That said, it took me a YEAR to adjust to the carvedilol. I was at 25mgx2 for a while, but it really interfered with my workouts/agility. Talk about hitting a wall! Now I take 12.5 x 2 and am doing great with the exercise...
  7. AgilityDog

    ITS Birthday time AgilityDog & blessed1416 (54) & Debbie

    OOOOO KAAAAY! Thanks much. Hippo Birdies two Ewes (or rather to Us) Busy Busy today, and seminar the rest of the week, sorry to pick up well wishes and run, but, gotta go! Happy Co-Birthday Blessed & Debbie!
  8. AgilityDog

    nori seaweed

    I've never noticed any issue or effect on my INR from eating sushi, OR seaweed salad. Chow down!
  9. AgilityDog

    1 Week Post-Op Questions

    I can't take oxycodone/oxycontin. I took tylenol with codine (tylenol3) once I was out of the hospital. Morphine in the hospital for about a week. I took the T3 for several weeks. Rehab generally starts about week 6-8 for most people, and it is well worth it, especially if insurance will pay for it.
  10. AgilityDog

    Suggestions on increasing Coreg

    I found it took me a long time to adjust to the Coreg - as in months. For a while, I was at 25 mg 2x daily, but really could not tolerate it. Too much fatigue, and it prevented me from running agility. By the 10th obstacle I could not MOVE. These days I take 12.5 x2. I also experienced light...
  11. AgilityDog

    How much Vitamin K do you consume?

    I take between 26 to 29 mg/week, and eat a fair amount of greens. I seem to have seasonal shifts in dosage which I suspect may be related to what greens are available when, and how much vit K is in them based upon seasons. But I also take spironolactone, which raises my INR through interaction...
  12. AgilityDog

    A day in AF......

    I dunno how it is in the UK, but many of us in the states get put on amiodarone for 3 months after surgery, to prevent/block/stop the a-fib, particularly if we had any prior to surgery. A-fib is certainly uncomfortable.
  13. AgilityDog

    Cooker's Throwdown Friday III ... 8-10-12

    I'm down 1.5 from last weigh in. I've got 2.5 lbs to go to get back to my pre-cruise weight - which was where I was January 1, and still about 6 lbs higher than I wanted to be. At least I'm making some progress getting back to what was already too heavy.
  14. AgilityDog

    Gray area in vision, anyone else

    Yep, I was thinking opthalmic migraine also. grey/blind spot, grows, then gets surrounded by zigzag lines/aurora borealis. I get them. No headache, but frequently nauseous and sensitive to light, followed by migraine hangover. This sounds like Freddie has a minor migraine.
  15. AgilityDog

    Well, finally...joined the gym and actually going...

    Yes, Coreg/Carvedilol is a beta blocker. It limits the heart rate, which means you are working much harder to get to 125 bpm than a "normal" person.
  16. AgilityDog

    Surgery Today!

    Good Luck! We'll be thinking about you. Please have someone post when they/you can, and let us know your progress. I've been that semi-emergency patient who scheduled for "as soon as the schedule permits," so...yeah, he may want a long weekend, but more likely, he's running tests on someone and...
  17. AgilityDog

    Trying to conceive

    I hate to be a Debbie downer, but there are really large (life threatening) risks with mech valve, coumadin and pregnancy. Your profile says 3 replacements plus coumadin, but doesn't specify mech. or tissue. Please don't rule out surrogacy as an option, if you want your own bio-child. One of...
  18. AgilityDog

    How much Vitamin K do you consume?

    I take a mulitvitamin with about 50 mg I eat at least one serving of spinach/cabbage, asparagus, kale, or other leafy greens daily. Sometimes two servings. Plus a large salad. So that's easily in excess of 200 mg. But I don't keep track of my vitamin K. I just eat normally for me, and let...
  19. AgilityDog

    Just wondering how often you home test?

    Do NOT test "after an extraordinary meal." This is not diabetes, and you don't want to over correct. You'd have to eat a HAIL of a lot of kale to cause a severe drop. I dunno if one can even eat that much spinach at one sitting. Testing Once per week is fine, once every 2 weeks is ok if you...
  20. AgilityDog

    Cooker's Throwdown Friday III ... 8-3-12

    Good for you, Wise! I'm seeing light at the end of the tunnel today on this cold. If I can stir myself, Jet and I will do a few minutes of training in the morning before it gets too hot. They keep promising a tiny, 4-5 degree break in the weather, but every day that gets put off another day...