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  1. AgilityDog

    New here, AVReplacement & poss ascending aorta replacement sched Oct 3. (2012)

    I'll second Bob's suggestion about the dogs. You will need help with them while you are in the hospital, and for a couple weeks afterwards. Even after that, you can't walk them until your sternum is fully healed - even more than 6 weeks for the big guys. I love Jet dearly, but she's a handful...
  2. AgilityDog

    green tea

    I drink it frequently, more some weeks than others. I really haven't found it makes any difference. Of course, I eat a diet with lots of leafy greens anyway, and dose accordingly. If you start drinking it, make a note on your spreadsheet or chart of your INR (I ASSUME you keep one, most of us...
  3. AgilityDog

    Don't use dabigatran off-label with mechanical valves, Canadian docs warn

    Uneducated or careless doctors, and uneducated, too trusting patients don't mix well.
  4. AgilityDog

    One day away from my surgery

    Best Wishes! You'll do great.
  5. AgilityDog

    Cooker's Throwdon Friday ... 9-29-12

    I'm "down" to 141.6 as of Monday's WW weigh in, though a tad higher today. I think I'm managing to lose about 1/2 lb per week, maybe, of this cruise weight. Gosh, it's slow, and difficult, and frustrating. Plus work is insane, so by the time I get home for dinner, I'm STARVED, and EXHAUSTED...
  6. AgilityDog

    How to not live in fear?

    Time. It takes time to get past the fear. My heart was so messed up before my first surgery that it took 2 surgeries to get it fixed. If you want to exercise and feel safe, consider asking your cardio to refer you for cardio rehab. You'll be so much more comfortable starting your exercise...
  7. AgilityDog

    Need info on out right purchase of home test equip. and supplies.

    One word: Amazon. Though some suppliers will not sell the INRatio to a non-physician. Some will. Test strips run about $200 for 48. They are valid for 9 months or so, but I've used them for 6 months after the expiration date with no problems at all. I've had no issues getting strips. Perhaps...
  8. AgilityDog

    Hello all my good friends out there..!!

    I pay out of pocket, or else I'd be paying $258 per month to Allere for them to do nothing at all!!!! I always called in to both Allere and my doctor when I was on that plan. It was way too expensive. I keep a chart of my dose and INR and take it to my cardio when I see him. I self manage, but I...
  9. AgilityDog

    Need positive feedback

    Maybe limiting it while you are healing is ok - you'll probably find your dosage increases as you heal and get more active. However, after about 2-3 months you need to get back to your regular diet and then dose the diet, don't diet the dose. You may find you have seasonal fluctuations in your...
  10. AgilityDog

    Cooker's Throwdown Friday ... 9-7-2012

    I don't want re-booted. I just want to sleep. I'm walking or elliptical 1 hour per day. Work is crazy, so I'll be working 50+ hours a week through year end, and have cancelled our agility trials. I'm not dead, but I may be MIA for a LOONNNNGGG time. Thank you, you bunch of lazy...
  11. AgilityDog

    1 year for me!

    Happy Valversary! That first one is pretty special.
  12. AgilityDog

    Dark Circles - Possibly from Vitamin K deficiency

    You DO NOT have to avoid vitamin K. In fact, it is advised that you do NOT do so. You just have to balance keep a consistent diet and manage your coumadin intake to keep your INR in proper range.
  13. AgilityDog

    I'm home from my avr

    Sorry about the VTACH. Been there, done that, myself, got cardioverted in ICU, and it's no picnic.
  14. AgilityDog

    Cooker's Throwdown Friday ... 9-7-2012

    I managed to lose a bit last week, but immediately sabotaged myself at the annual Labor Day/Birthday/Anniversary dog training group party. I'm up 2.5 this week from Sunday. Sigh. I too am looking forward to the cool front that's moving into Texas tonight. It was 104 yesterday, 97 when Jet and...
  15. AgilityDog

    Tissue Valve vs. Mechanical Valve?

    What they all said. They said it well. Yes, I have a pacemaker, but it is because of the maze procedure I had to have to stop the a-fib, plus I also need the defibrillator function due to my tendancy to go into v-tach (just 'cause that's so fun). It's not because of my valve replacement. Lots...
  16. AgilityDog

    6th (and 2nd) Valversary

    Today is the 6th valversary of my St. Jude's mitral valve. August 10 was the 2nd valversary of my On-x aortic valve. Just tickin' away here.:cool:
  17. AgilityDog

    Cooker's Throwdown Friday IV ... 8-31-12

    I've been on WW forever, and pretty much eat from the power foods groups. What is bread??? It's been so long I have forgotten. BUT I love real cheese and can't stand the FF stuff. So I keep to my points and eat 95% power foods, and limit cheese to 1 oz per day. But I'm not getting anywhere...
  18. AgilityDog

    Is it really that time?

    Please don't wait for more symptoms. I'm another with permanent, pretty severe damage. Mine occurred in 5 months from MV prolapse to Class IV heart failure requiring replacing 2 valves and repairing a third, a-fib requring a maze and pacemaker, etc. etc. etc. Talk about a bionic woman! If my...
  19. AgilityDog

    A Little more excitement!

    Your INR may get out of whack with the pneumonia anyway. You may not be eating the same way, you won't be exercising, or active, etc. etc. If you can test a few (3-5) days after you start the antibiotics, you can get/keep your INR under better control. I feel for you. I had "a little" pneumonia...
  20. AgilityDog

    Cooker's Throwdown Friday IV ... 8-31-12

    I'm "down to" 142.8 this morning. Still want to get back to 134-ish. These cruise pounds are hard to shed, especially with birthdays and holiday parties coming so soon after the vacation. And I have check ups with my doctors next month, so gotta work hard at this! Work is INSANE, so don't worry...