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  1. Kathy McCain

    I sneezed!

    I've always known I am a slow healer.....but believe it or not, it took me several MONTHS, before I felt comfortable with a sneeze, or heaven forbid a cough! CONGRATULATIONS, that is terrfic!!!
  2. Kathy McCain

    Broken sternal wire

    Good to hear you don't need the wire removed. It's also good to know from the Heartdoc, and your surgeon, that unless it is a problem, to leave it alone. It's reassuring to me too, that it does not move.
  3. Kathy McCain

    Results from Holter Monitor and Echocardiogram from last week

    Malibu, Just want to say...... Hugs!!!!
  4. Kathy McCain

    Nausea and No Gallbladder

    Yes, I certainly do suffer from VERY MILD nausea, from time to time. I don't have the same pain, or feeling as I did BEFORE the surgery though. I need to pay attention to just what I am eating, after this happens. I do belive it is related. AS far as a med for it, I can't help. Please let...
  5. Kathy McCain

    Results from Holter Monitor and Echocardiogram from last week

    My cardio says they are benign. They are however, EXTREMELY ANNOYING. If you have them very frequently they can become NERVE WRACKING. Now that I have been off the Metoprolol for a couple of months. I dont notice them. Maybe every once in a while. Not nearly as much though. Believe me...
  6. Kathy McCain

    Pulmonary Hypertension update

    Thanks! Yes, I am relieved! It's going to be a wonderful Holiday Season. Take care everyone!
  7. Kathy McCain

    Sense of impending doom from a health crisis

    Yes, I guess you could say pre-op I did have a sense of impending doom. My husband kept telling me I needed to be more optomistic and positive, but it was difficult. It' okay though NOT to feel strong and brave at times. I also believe it is quiet normal. It's part of the human condition...
  8. Kathy McCain

    Prayers needed, please

    Deb, she has my prayers! Let us know what happens.
  9. Kathy McCain

    Wanna share any new recipes for Thanksgiving? Here's one I'm trying today.

    Mary, That sounds like a seriously terrifc dish! I AM going to try it. I love spinach, and just about every ingredient in there!
  10. Kathy McCain

    Celebrated the first birthday of my bovine valve yesterday!

    Hi Dale, Congratulations, that is just terrific! Good to hear you have fully recovered and are getting on with the business of life! Take care
  11. Kathy McCain

    Pulmonary Hypertension update

    Hi All, Just thought I'd let you know I consulted with my cardio today, regarding the last echo. Regarding the "mild pulmonary hypertension", he said "it's a non-issue, not to worry, and please forget about it." "My echo was great, and the numbers are within normal range". He certainly...
  12. Kathy McCain

    Results from Holter Monitor and Echocardiogram from last week

    Malibu, I would not even begin to try and "read" the test results for you. However, your ejection fraction at 55%, the way I am understanding it, is on the low side of NORMAL. Take a deep breath, try and relax. If your Caridos office does not get back with you by Thursday in the PM, I would...
  13. Kathy McCain

    6-Month Echo

    Norma, That is very positive news. Wishing you the best! Hugs
  14. Kathy McCain

    Re-opening wounds (psychologically)

    I have taken anti-depressants only once in my lifetime. The old Nortriptolyne. I had ACUTE tinnitus years ago. Thought I would really go mad! I took this med for a year, then decided it was time to get off. The only med I take for altering mood is the generic xanax, once in awhile to help...
  15. Kathy McCain

    Two days post-op

    You are doing FANTASTIC!!!! Believe me, the furthest activity from my mind was using my computer. Keep up the great recovery, and a positive mind set! Take care
  16. Kathy McCain

    Re-opening wounds (psychologically)

    Michelle, I can relate to how you are feeling. My post-op complications were a bit different, but emotionally I was a basket case. It took me awhile to feel "normal" again. I don't believe that anyone is EXACTLY the same again after AVR. How could you be? Please trust me when I say that no...
  17. Kathy McCain

    Heart rate high during exercise

    Sorry Halley you are having some problems. I am sure everything will turn out. Please keep us updated. Take care
  18. Kathy McCain

    Aortic valve pickin tommorrow

    Good luck! Wishing you a bump free recovery. Take care
  19. Kathy McCain

    minimally invasive heart surgery with no bone cutting

    Heart Doc, I had a mini AVR surgery. It is my understanding this is not the same thing as minimally invasive surgery? I did have blood transfusion for the surgery, and again for my pericardial window that was done appox 1 wk after the AVR.