I sneezed!

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ski girl

Well-known member
Sep 14, 2010
Perth, Western Australia
This is a milestone for me that my family and friends don't seem to understand but lots of you will . . . I'm four weeks post-op and I sneezed today and IT DIDN'T HURT.

How long did it take for everyone else to sneeze without checking to see if their chest had popped open?
The dreaded sneeze! I found all kinds of ways to stop the "sneeze" for about 1.5 weeks but one slipped out. Ouch! About 4 weeks till no more pain as well.
Small victories!!! Rejoice!! That IS what this recovery stuff is all about.

Congratulations. Sneeze away!

Wow! Glad you're okay :)

I was caught unawares by my first post-op sneeze, several weeks or a few months after surgery, and it was very painful :eek2:
I've always known I am a slow healer.....but believe it or not, it took me several MONTHS, before I felt comfortable with a sneeze, or heaven forbid a cough!

CONGRATULATIONS, that is terrfic!!!
I am with Kathy on this one it took about 3 months until sneezing wasn't painful.
Coughing was OK after the first couple of days, and these first few days are when the hospital staff are telling you to cough.