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  1. S

    how to make a new heart?

    My husband has pectus excavatum and had a prior open heart surgery as a child where they cracked open his chest cut all the intercostal bundles and stuck a metal bar in his chest to try to re-form his chest. Not the same thing you have, but they won't touch your spine in this surgery. He had his...
  2. S

    how to make a new heart?

    It is highly recommended you do NOT smoke. Nicotine effects the bodies ability to heal. That is any form of nicotine, be it cigarettes, vaping, patches, gum, etc. That said, it is your choice. Just know that if you choose to use nicotine while in recovery you may have complications. Then again...
  3. S

    Invasive procedure perioperative management of INR (extended)

    That stinks. :( It seems ****** that because someone doesn't think the research is worthwhile you can't use it for a Phd. Seems pretty arbitrary to me.
  4. S

    Bicuspid aneurysm size guideline

    He was bicuspid. LOL I guess he is still bicuspid since the St. Jude's has two flaps. ;)
  5. S

    Bicuspid aneurysm size guideline

    OK. I read online that a dissection is a separation of the walls, that is why I asked. LOL ;)
  6. S

    Bicuspid aneurysm size guideline

    My hubbies aneurysm only measured 4.5, although the doctor adjusted that measurement to 4.7-4.8 when he reviewed the imaging. The lab report states his aorta had "medial myxoid degeneration" and states "gross separation of the aortic walls". Is this dissection?
  7. S

    Invasive procedure perioperative management of INR (extended)

    Hmmm.... Wouldn't you be able to get do the actual phd in an accepted (related) area, and then do your thesis on this actual topic? Or is the thesis idea what was denied?
  8. S

    Highest INR you have heard of or experienced?

    I am referring to the actual studies. In my line of work I read all kinds of different types of articles on new technology, lessons learned, theory.... I just thought others would do that too. LOL
  9. S

    Invasive procedure perioperative management of INR (extended)

    Everybody? Not me. :P Well, I guess you could argue ALL cars are fuel hungry, but I drive a hybrid. My work is way too far away for me to bike there. LOL YES! Don't they have to learn this **** to do the job? Why would they not be reading the papers? Is there no degree or training about what it...
  10. S

    Highest INR you have heard of or experienced?

    Yeah, I get that. LOL The literature does say exactly what I said though. That at a dosage of 200 for Amiodarone the average person requires a dosage of 30% lower than the norm of Warfarin to sustain an in range inr measurement. For him how this effected him is that when they gave him the normal...
  11. S

    Mechanical Aorta Valve / Anticoagulants

    I believe that Pellicus has posted studies that show that the On-X has a higher rate of events when the lower inr level is actually used. My husband got the St. Judes because his surgeon worked with those most often. His surgeon stated the only reason that On-X can market the lower required inr...
  12. S

    Highest INR you have heard of or experienced?

    Yeah, I was just reading about the interaction with Amiodarone and Warfarin. At my husband's dosage he should be taking a 30% lower dose of Warfarin due to the interaction. So when he comes off of it, next month if he stays in normal sinus rhythm for that period, then they will have to...
  13. S

    Invasive procedure perioperative management of INR (extended)

    So why the heck is the "therapeutic range" 2-3 instead of 2.5-4? Why was the clinic happier with his inr at 2.3 than at 3.3? If the incidence rate is 6.7 at an inr of 2.3 and the incidence rate is 2.4 at 3.3 why wouldn't they WANT his inr at the 3.3? This really confuses me. Even when he was at...
  14. S

    Treating myself before aortic valve replacement?

    Also, if it happened slowly over time, then you may not have noticed the changes in your stamina and endurance. My husband had a hard time giving definitive answers to the symptoms question. He could never answer the do you have difficulty breathing question because he smoked for many years....
  15. S

    Hubby back in a-fib. *sigh*

    I am decent. LOL I told him to stop dropping things. :P It always makes me nervous. He seems to drop things a lot, and it is one of the first signs of MS which his mother had, and he carries many genes for. It would be awful late to suddenly find out you have MS though....