New to BAV! Advice? (Marijuana use?)

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I smoked from time to time before my first surgery, then got a blood infection and had to redo the surgery. I was smoking after my first surgery and if I had to do it again I would never inhale marijuana. In fact, there is no indication of where the blood infection came from. There are many chemicals in vape cartridges, and you never know exactly what you're inhaling even with marijuana. I would recommend gummies as well and keep your heart in the best shape possible should you require surgery. Exercise, stay fit and stick to edibles!
That is why I later said not vape pens. The Volcano is an old school vaporizer used by pot smokers. ;) No cartridges, just marijuana.
. I would infer from this you shouldn't even be AROUND cigarette smoke.
which is why in the USA (and Australia) smoking is not permitted in many buildings.

I believe Australia is far more down this path, with smoking not permitted within specific distances of building entrances and air intakes

US: has,legally possess or consume tobacco.

Outdoor public areas
There are a range of areas where smoking is banned, this includes the use of all smoking products such as electronic cigarettes.
which is why in the USA (and Australia) smoking is not permitted in many buildings.

I believe Australia is far more down this path, with smoking not permitted within specific distances of building entrances and air intakes

US: about every jurisdiction has,legally possess or consume tobacco.

Outdoor public areas
There are a range of areas where smoking is banned, this includes the use of all smoking products such as electronic cigarettes.
A lot of buildings have a 20 foot rule. Certain places will have specific smoking areas that are removed from the entrances and exits from the building.
Hello, I am 26 and due to a fluke I found out through an echo that I have BAV. I already had slight health anxiety so this definitely didnt help that but I am starting to cope with it better and just live life. The way my Cardiologist put it to me was live life and be aware you have it and follow through with yearly check ups to catch anything ahead of time. Is this the right advice? I try to watch what I eat and usually eat pretty decent, I don't drink any alcohol or smoke cigarettes. My only "vice" is that I (well used to be up until a couple months ago) a daily marijuana smoker. There is a lot online about cigs and BAV being an issue (im assuming it is mainly the chemicals etc) but not much research about marijuana. Im curious about what have you heard/been told about smoking marijuana with BAV. I had been smoking weed daily for like 8 years and my echo came up no stenosis or regurg. My Cardiologist recommended i stick with edibles if I want to use marijuana but that is usually more pricey and tends to a different/all day high. So do any of smoke marijuana with BAV, and what has your experience been? I also would love any general BAV advice/research that you guys have done. Thanks!
Former director of substance abuse treatment and prevention services, former neuropharmacology trainer for Narcotic & Drug Research, Inc, (FWIW) and 5 years since OHS AVR (Organic). I understand that you prefer the quick time-to-effect of smoking/vaping, but strongly recommend you find a way to use edibles instead. On a relative scale, it's a much more benign way to get the benefit you seek. Putting stuff into our bodies by way of the lungs is just not wise in general, but more so for those of us who know that we have Bicuspid Valve and will need to have it replaced at some point. You want your heart/lung to be super healthy in as many ways as possible. Also, take a look at magnesium supplementation as a potential to slow stenosis. Early research on this, but some additional benefits and little if any demonstrated downside.
I also believe, that too much calcium (not sure what this value would be) can also be bad for the heart. fact, high calcium levels,to life-threatening heart problems.
Is this a specific type of calcium? Is Atorvastatin not actually calcium? It says Atorvastatin Calcium. I know at least a few of us are on this medication.

OK, just read a bit on it, and they appear to be referring to calcium supplementation. It makes me think twice about my past Calcium supplementation, and using it in the future. I would take mega doses for certain issues usually paired with Magnesium. I guess I have another question to add to my list for the doctor.
I was a daily vape user before my surgery. I also have BAV.

Like you I had trouble finding studies on wether weed use was ok. Long story short no amount of smoke/vape smoke you inhale is going to help your heart, especially when you have a heart condition. Edibles cut off the smoke equation but getting high still increases heart rate and raises blood pressure, again both things you want to avoid when you have a heart condition.

My surgeon and nurses didnt really seem to care about weed use, and said just use it in moderation but to avoid the smoke element if possible.

Post surgery I have just stopped smoking all together. The last thing I want is another surgery if possible and personally I have done enough smoking for a life time already :)
great choice .... hard choice for many, but "encouragement" and wishes for a continued success in that to you.


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Which is exactly why you don't use the pens. You use a Volcano style vaporizer which has NO chemicals. This type of vaporizer uses convection to heat, not any type of coil, and has temperature control to make sure you don't burn anything and release harmful toxins that way. It is specifically made for dry ingredients. I don't know that this makes it 100% safe, BUT if you feel you have to smoke pot, this is the healthiest way to do it. I am not a pot smoker, so this isn't tinged by the bias of someone who wants to justify their own actions. ;)
Which is exactly why you don't use the pens. You use a Volcano style vaporizer which has NO chemicals. This type of vaporizer uses convection to heat, not any type of coil, and has temperature control to make sure you don't burn anything and release harmful toxins that way. It is specifically made for dry ingredients. I don't know that this makes it 100% safe, BUT if you feel you have to smoke pot, this is the healthiest way to do it. I am not a pot smoker, so this isn't tinged by the bias of someone who wants to justify their own actions. ;)
Yeah, shoulda clairfied when I said vape I was doing the dry herb style vaporizer. Best way in my own research to smoke health wise.

But again no smoke/vape is the best thing to do for everyone with a heart condition
Yeah, shoulda clairfied when I said vape I was doing the dry herb style vaporizer. Best way in my own research to smoke health wise.

But again no smoke/vape is the best thing to do for everyone with a heart condition
This is most probably true. There is that tiny chance that a componant of marijuana could help it. After all, something in it killed cancer cells in a petri dish, although that might argue against anything in it being good for a heart condition... But yes, I do agree with you that it is best to not do it. If someone finds they are going to do it no matter what though, they should find the absolute best option, which would be edibles, but it is a different high, in which case, a pure vaporizer is the best option of a not great choice being made to continue inhaling cannabis. For some the cannabis lifestyle is a part of their identity and it is hard to look at moving forward in life and figuring out who you are without that.
Hello, I am 26 and due to a fluke I found out through an echo that I have BAV. I already had slight health anxiety so this definitely didnt help that but I am starting to cope with it better and just live life. The way my Cardiologist put it to me was live life and be aware you have it and follow through with yearly check ups to catch anything ahead of time. Is this the right advice? I try to watch what I eat and usually eat pretty decent, I don't drink any alcohol or smoke cigarettes. My only "vice" is that I (well used to be up until a couple months ago) a daily marijuana smoker. There is a lot online about cigs and BAV being an issue (im assuming it is mainly the chemicals etc) but not much research about marijuana. Im curious about what have you heard/been told about smoking marijuana with BAV. I had been smoking weed daily for like 8 years and my echo came up no stenosis or regurg. My Cardiologist recommended i stick with edibles if I want to use marijuana but that is usually more pricey and tends to a different/all day high. So do any of smoke marijuana with BAV, and what has your experience been? I also would love any general BAV advice/research that you guys have done. Thanks!

BAV is really no big deal and is not anything for you to worry about. Just live your life (as you say). Most people that have it have no idea they have it, and it is not an issue (until one day as they age things come to a head). You at least now KNOW you have it and what types of symptoms to watch out for as you age.

I was born with BAV and did not even know about it until my 50's (when I had a heart attack due to clogged arteries). My pediatrician noticed I had a heart murmur and I vaguely recall overhearing him discussing it with my Mom but no one ever pursued anything about it with me. In my 30's I had some weird chest pains and also what felt like my heart skipping beats, and I went to two different cardiologists, neither of which told me I had BAV, the first told me I had a heart murmur and to ignore it. The 2nd told me I had not one but TWO heart murmurs but that there was NOTHING wrong with me to explain the chest feelings I was experiencing. I was given no advice to follow, no warnings about being aware of anything as I aged, no recommendations to have my heart checked every couple years, no nothing. Very long story but the 2nd Dr, when I pressed him about "well what are these weird chest pains due to", actually told me to "I don't know, why don't you ask your bartender"!!!!!!! Even though I don't drink! I now believe those mysterious chest problems I had (along with some other perplexing medical issues) were due to lyme disease (& erlichiosis) but that is a different and very long story....anyways...

As far as cannabis goes, I doubt consuming it via smoking, vaping, or eating would hurt you seriously but consuming it EVERY DAY (especially as smoke) seems a bit much. I smoked on & off for about 40 years but not every day, more like on weekends. Never had problems from it (YMMV). I still indulge now and then but as vaping or baking with herbs, haven't smoked per se in around 15-20 years or so and do not intend to ever again (too harsh). I actually have a medical marijuana card now and find cannabis to be a wonderful mind opening & relaxing drug, greatly increases anything to do with appreciation of the arts for me anyways (music, movies, playing guitar in the old days, heck just going for a walk on a beautiful day can be almost a religious experience filled with wonder, especially if it is snowing out!), in addition to getting some pain relief from it.

Please note that I am not a Dr nor do I play one on TV so don't take anything I say as the gospel, just relaying my own experience.
BAV is really no big deal and is not anything for you to worry about. Just live your life (as you say). Most people that have it have no idea they have it, and it is not an issue (until one day as they age things come to a head). You at least now KNOW you have it and what types of symptoms to watch out for as you age.

I was born with BAV and did not even know about it until my 50's (when I had a heart attack due to clogged arteries). My pediatrician noticed I had a heart murmur and I vaguely recall overhearing him discussing it with my Mom but no one ever pursued anything about it with me. In my 30's I had some weird chest pains and also what felt like my heart skipping beats, and I went to two different cardiologists, neither of which told me I had BAV, the first told me I had a heart murmur and to ignore it. The 2nd told me I had not one but TWO heart murmurs but that there was NOTHING wrong with me to explain the chest feelings I was experiencing. I was given no advice to follow, no warnings about being aware of anything as I aged, no recommendations to have my heart checked every couple years, no nothing. Very long story but the 2nd Dr, when I pressed him about "well what are these weird chest pains due to", actually told me to "I don't know, why don't you ask your bartender"!!!!!!! Even though I don't drink! I now believe those mysterious chest problems I had (along with some other perplexing medical issues) were due to lyme disease (& erlichiosis) but that is a different and very long story....anyways...
This is me, except no heart attack. I have Pectus Excavatum (PEX) and had extensive open chest surgery at around 8 years old. I have always known I had a heart murmur, but it was thought to be from my heart being slightly displaced due to the PEX. Then in my late 40s my longtime doctor mentioned he was concerned. The sound of the murmur had changed in some way. He put me on Atorvastatin, for my high blood pressure and that was about it. He was VERY old, he had been my doctor as a child and when I moved back to my home state I just started seeing him again. I think he didn't quite have it all together and probably should have already retired. I was also drinking quite heavily and so I thought every issue I had was due to my drinking. I would get angina, and lay down with ice on my chest, and just get through to the next day.

I got sober and noticed I was constantly tired. It didn't matter how much I slept or how many naps I took, I was still tired. I finally went to a new doctor when we moved states and the doctor referred me to cardiology. They did an echo that showed a possible bicuspid valve and moderate aortic stenosis. Since I didn't have symptoms while at the gym I didn't think I needed the exercise stress test. We went with watch and wait. So 18 months later at my second echo I have moved into severe aortic stenosis. The progression seems fast to me when I look at the measurements. He then ordered a CT where we found out I also have an ascending aortic aneurysm. The report still states two valve leaflets seen and a third not definitively seen. So still no real confirmation of BAV, but it tends to be more common in those with PEX, so I am assuming I have it. I was 49 when they diagnosed aortic stenosis and am not about to turn 51 and looking at surgery, I THINK. I have another 3 weeks to wait until the doctor meets with me to explain my results. I have occassional angina (no pain, just pressure or discomfort), I get dizzy going from laying down to standing (which I know is not unusual, but it is unusual for me) a couple times a week. I just feel unwell and I feel it is very inconsiderate of the doctor to make me wait SO long to hear his opinion of my test results. In the meantime my wife sent my results to a friend of hers on an online forum who is a heart surgeon and he said he would recommend heart surgery- valve replacement and addressing some of the other issues, such as the aneurysm. He said he would recommend it be done soon. *sigh* Yet, time ticks by and my doctor goes about his life with no cares while I sit and worry and wonder.

3 more weeks...

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