I think it just really depends on how it treats you. I had it and aside from a little tickle in my lungs, resting heart rate increased, slight fever (never broke 100), it didn’t impact me much. Now that tickle counted for something because I lost a lot of fitness. But I never had to miss work (I’m full time remote). I had the regular flu bug earlier and that was far more debilitating.
My wife had it much worse overall. She had to miss work as well. Not just for the positive test, but also she didn’t feel up to going in.
We were concurrent so we isolated from our kids and none of them got it. Neither of us spiked really high fevers.
So really, aside from take it easy, push fluids, and keep to yourself, I don’t think one needs to do anything special for a mild case.
Of course talk to your doctor if it’s bad.