Adventure activities after OHS?

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Aalok jain

Jan 9, 2021
Hi always been pessimistic after my AVR that I will never do any Adventure activities. I am 23 year old with 9 months of my AVR and recently did two adventure sports.
1. Zipline of 1200m on above river
2. River rafting in a river with high current and intermediate difficulty ( my guide allow me to sit in middle which I was not thinking he will allow)

So what are other activities you did after your AVR as I had a dream to do skydiving is this possible with this condition?
Hi Jain. I have never Ziplined, skydived, or any other activity where I am suspended in the air attached to rope or cords.....I have white water rafted a couple of times and that was fun. After my surgery when I was much younger I pretty much did whatever I wanted......some good......some bad and way too much to outline in a "post". You will find that you can do whatever you are up to doing.......but wear a helmet if your head might get involved.
Hi Aalok,
Sounds like you're having an active life, as you should. No reason why we can't be active with our new valves.
I'm 4 months out of surgery. I've been hiking, running, lifting weights and doing hard cardio work outs. The most adventuresome thing I've done so far; last week we went to the beach and went boogie boarding. Some pretty big waves. I timed one of them wrong and it spilled me right over the top and sent me tumbling for about 50 feet, head over heels. I survived fine. I plan to do all the activities I did before except competitive boxing.
Welcome to the forum! Nice to have another young participant. Well, not ‘nice’, I guess - but I can relate anyway. I was 17 going on 18 when my valve was replaced. I can’t think of any adventures I’ve passed on doing because of my valve or warfarin in the last 30 plus years. Glad to hear your fears are proving unwarranted.

I’ve been downhill skiing, water skiing, tubing (pulled on an inner tube behind a power boat on Lake Michigan in 4 ft swells), white water rafting (even last year), para-sailing, mountain biking, etc. Never sky-diving but my valve or warfarin wouldn’t stop me from trying if I really wanted to. Currently parenting five kids, which has been the scariest and most rewarding of all my adventures!

Enjoy your life and keep us posted on your adventures!
Hi and welcome

So what are other activities you did after your AVR as I had a dream to do skydiving is this possible with this condition?
well lets see, I've had 3 OHS now but only two were AVR.
  • walked the border ranges from NSW to Qld with 3 friends (@17)
  • many too numerous to mention hikes through the national parks
  • plenty of snorkelling and a few diving trips
  • lived 3 years in Japan
  • some months in India
  • some months in Korea
  • some years in Finland (quite some skiing trips and hikes in Sweden to Kebnekaise)
  • Getting married was perhaps the best adventure
Some that I managed video of (because so much of that stuff I had only stills

I scooter a bit now ...

basically you can pretty much do what you did before AVR, probably more because you've got time to train up and learn new skills.

I never XC Ski'd before I went to Finland in 2006. I love it
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Hi and welcome

well lets see, I've had 3 OHS now but only two were AVR.
  • walked the border ranges from NSW to Qld with 3 friends (@17)
  • many too numerous to mention hikes through the national parks
  • plenty of snorkelling and a few diving trips
  • lived 3 years in Japan
  • some months in India
  • some months in Korea
  • some years in Finland (quite some skiing trips and hikes in Sweden to Kebnekaise)
  • Getting married was perhaps the best adventure
Some that I managed video of (because so much of that stuff I had only stills

I scooter a bit now ...

basically you can pretty much do what you did before AVR, probably more because you've got time to train up and learn new skills.

I never XC Ski'd before I went to Finland in 2006. I love it

Nice to see these videos ...and been motivated everytime I read all your experiences.
Hi Jain. I have never Ziplined, skydived, or any other activity where I am suspended in the air attached to rope or cords.....I have white water rafted a couple of times and that was fun. After my surgery when I was much younger I pretty much did whatever I wanted......some good......some bad and way too much to outline in a "post". You will find that you can do whatever you are up to doing.......but wear a helmet if your head might get involved.
I will surely do all the things I want to do before AVR after reading all this experiences.

Thanks for sharing this
Drinking and riding fast motorcycles. That's the only adventure I see now. Not at the same time of course. 🙄😊
5 months since AVR surgery and since that I've done: off-road ATV riding, bike trails, stand up paddle boarding, kayak on lakes and rivers, hiking, weight training, elliptical, and camping. Also several vehicle oil changes, changing out auto wheel bearings, tire rotations, and more.. Essentially back to normal with the exception that I have not taken my street motorcycle out yet. Too busy with everything else!
i work my cows fix fences run tractors all other chores on my place go boating fishing hunting camping do most everything i did before my ohs just do things slower and more careful now except dont ride my harley on the main highways anymore just down country roads

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