@JannerJohn I felt much like you are when I was first diagnosed, not at 55, but at 65. I even thought of not having surgery I was so frightened of it and was absolutely convinced that I would not survive it.
I was very resentful of people who were/are jocks or otherwise with the big personalities who can and do minimize and control their fears easily, orr seemingly so
But at 70, on January 7, 202
0, I did have surgery, with a new biological Aorta valve and the ascending aortic aneurysm fixed. I did survive and was out of the hospital on day 4 afternoon. Back at a friend’s house for a nap before dinner.
I prepared by getting in my best shape physically, but most of all mentally. I did crossfit light for a couple years. Then as surgery approached and my moderate inched into the severe, I didn’t seek counseling, but sought meditation teachers, took 500 hours of yoga teacher training. I learned how to do Reiki myself and sought out Reiki healers. (I see many readers now tolling their eyes). But, I learned how to cultivate my own brand of calm.
we are all different. Look inside, and I’m certain you will find how strong you are. My goodness, you’ve certainly demonstrated that already. You just need to see it yourself as the strong person you are and find a way to cultivate it.
And no need for the machismo, unless of course that’s really your style. Sure that’s the best approach for some. I sincerely encourage you to Do your own thing. Go into the process being yourself whether you seek it in sports, meditation, counseling, forums, family, etc.
I did not join any forums like this. I did not ask a lot of questions. This did make more questions after.

But, that’s me and the path that was right for me
You will survive. Day 1 stinks, day 2 is way better, and 3 you’ll be thinking this is not so bad Goes up exponentially from there.