I am glad I stopped in this morning. I needed you guys!
Cooker you are such a leader!!! Yay!!! What perserverence! Good chimp!!
Superbob... lucky you... moving close to your grandkids! "Keep your eyes on the prize" and maybe that will help you through the drudgery of moving. And LET GO of some of the "stuff", "baggage" that you really do not need. We may choose to tone down our living space soon and I almost welcome sorting through all the unnecessary stuff.
I am definitely not attacking my problem of emotional eating. I have been drawn to salty foods and am feeling bouyant with water weight. I won't be stepping on a scale til next week. I also, yesterday, had to get a little bump sliced off of my face (cheek). I won't know about the biopsy result until next week. I've already had a pre-cancer taken off my nose (gosh, 15 years ago), and you simply cannot see the little scar line at all. This time, she (different doctor) seemed a bit more serious than she usually is. She will be out of town when the results come in and told me just to wait til she returns to schedule any next phase. She definitely "did not get it all" with this first procedure. I guess I'm okay with a little line, but I really just am not in the mood for a divot on my face. So I guess when I bought the potato chips and then polished off some Ben and Jerry's last night, I was being vain!!!

Kind of a mixed up kettle of fish on that one!!!

The bandaid comes off today and I'll wear my black stitches for a week. Then, hopefully, I can put off whatever needs doing until after May because our daughter graduates from college and we are all going to fly out to be there...photos and all. I can't imagine a freezing procedure having time to heal by then on my fair face.
Whine, whine. Why can't I be one of those people who
stops eating when things get weird? On a good note, my textbooks have arrived and I am pouring into them. 9 hours of online courses in education and child psychology (need to update my teaching license) .... my cup of tea, actually!!! I think it will be fun and hopefully not TOO much work! I need to start right and only keep a glass of water nearby! Don't want to snack!!!
Thanks for listening!! Keep up the great work everyone!