Why would anyone choose to live in a remote are with a lot of snow?

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Dennis S

VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Jun 28, 2005
Northern New Mexico
Why choose to live in a remote, snowy environment? I know a lot of people hate the snow and cold. But--I walked into our bedroom this morning, looked through the window and thought-this is why it works for me. I think of myself as a very visual person-the mountains by day and the stars at night make it all worth while for me.

By the way-it was pretty cold this morning!
You just have to rub it in don't you!!! :D I'm sure you miss the beauty of concrete and asphalt! ;)
Just beautiful, Dennis. These old bones won't take the cold and snow anymore, but I understand your love affair with your choice.
I hate winter with a passion anymore, but if I were surrounded with the world as you see it Dennis, I'd be a happy camper too.
I love where I live in upstate NY. Yes, it is cold and there is a lot of snow and ice. But you just can't beat it when you are out in a snow storm, and it is so quiet because the snow provides an insulating effect, and the snow is falling softly. On some nights when the moon is full, the snow sparkles like diamonds in the moonlight.

I also love the gloaming of the evening when the snow looks blue in color, and the light coming from each house window is a warm yellow color.

We have lots of cardinals here and when they are active in the morning, they are so beautiful against the white snow and green pine trees.

I am making pine needle sachets from fragrant balsam fir needles for Christmas stocking stuffers for everyone in the family to remind them of their roots in upstate NY.
I am making pine needle sachets from fragrant balsam fir needles for Christmas stocking stuffers for everyone in the family to remind them of their roots in upstate NY.

I just love to experiment with herbal crafts...sachets,bath salts,lotions,
etc. I have also made batches of healing teas for people I know well. I
put them in a nice container with a loose leaf tea mug,and it comes out
pretty good. Its also fun to do,but you don't save $$,organic herbs have
gone up recently.

BTW-I also love the snow...never got over that child-like excitement
when the snow begins. And it hasn't changed by living in the city,
it just doesn't untouched for as long. But that first few hours there is
that surge of happiness and excitement that occurs no matter where I live:)
Your picture is just beautiful. I love the snow when we get it here in Georgia maybe once a year. It usually lasts a day or two and then its gone. Thats enough to make me happy. The whole city shuts down and schools close and everyone builds a snowman and drinks hot chocolate. Anymore than that is too much for me.
Dennis, that is fantastic. What an exceptional view!! You are most certainly a visual person!

For 15 years we had a perfect (but somewhat telescopic) view of Mt. Hood. Now we don't and I sorely miss "her". To watch her change each season, each year... it was magnificent. She still pops out as we're driving around town enough to appreciate. But it's not the same as having it right there in front of our home everyday. Your view makes your home more magical. A place to be. That is lovely.

As far as snow goes, it just doesn't snow here in the Willamette Valley that much so I don't know if I could get used to maneuvering through it on a day to day basis. I have no issue with the cold. I would much rather be cold than warm.

Looking forward to this season's snowy pictures!

It's a beautiful picture, a beautiful place. I too love the snow as long as I am on vacation and skiing. However, it is about 35 and rainy outside today, feels like 28, I am inside my office looking out the window onto the freeway, and my hands have yet to be warm. I had clam chowder for lunch, but even that didn't work. It was 75 yesterday early afternoon! Luckily, by end of the week it will probably be nice again.
Gorgeous Dennis but your snow for some reason is different

WONDER WHY???:p,colors same though:D

zipper2 (DEB)
Burrrrrr, it is downright cold in this 60 degree Florida weather :D

Just kidding :). Cold for me is 36 degrees or less. After having grown up in Illinois, I still miss the really cold weather. However, I do not miss driving in ice and snow.

Great pic!
We got about 8 inches of fresh white snow this week....With the sunrise sparkling on it, or the evening moon's reflection, it sure looks nice. Of course, the cold temps I could live without.
Why choose to live in a remote, snowy environment? I know a lot of people hate the snow and cold. But--I walked into our bedroom this morning, looked through the window and thought-this is why it works for me. I think of myself as a very visual person-the mountains by day and the stars at night make it all worth while for me.

By the way-it was pretty cold this morning!

Sure, it's all fine and dandy when you're INSIDE. I could live in the cold too if I never left the house! ;) But make me step outside and it had better be a minimum of 50 degrees! Sadly, even in my Southern State I have had to endure below freezing temps. To add insult to injury, I have morning parking lot duty 3 days a week at work. Yesterday it was 29 degrees! :eek:

(Dennis, the scene IS beautiful. But I still can't get past cold and wet! ;) )

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