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Thanks everyone for all the support prior to surgery and i know i will be receiving tons afterwards now that im home. My surgery got bumped last minute to friday morning instead. I came out at 215 in the afternoon and went into recovery room. Don't remember much of anything that night except my throat was dry and any water or ice chips i had i threw up instantly so it was pretty much hell.

Sat morning started off with a nice helping of nausea and vomitting, i remember the nurse saying i slept a healthy two hours straight, but oh well. Did not hold anything down until 2 that afternoon, by dinner i had a clear liquid diet. Family visiting hours were two half hours one in the morning and one in the evening.

Sunday started off good, i was ambulatory with a little assist and moved to full liquid diet. I was still in the recovery room till afternoon when i went up to my own room. I was on morphine in the recovery room and god that stuffs good;) I had a full meal sunday night then and slept good.

Woke up monday and felt terrific, deep breathing was going great, i could get up and move around by myself, and they were going to send me home because i felt awesome. ******* MD 1&2 put me on a calcium channel blocker, beta blocker, and nitro patch all within one hour. These are three vasodilators and make your blood pressure plummit, so.....euphoria went out the window and nausea stepped in by afternoon and i was pretty pissed i was not paying attention to what they gave me. I was on perkaset for pain and it was working good. I still felt great by evening and was moving around and no problems.

I took a perkaset at 3 in the morning on an empty stomach and nausea came back all day. Could not hold any liquid down until 2 o'clock on tuesday and the rest of the day i was dehydrated and it was the worst day of my life, period. I was so so miserable and could not bear to do anything. My back was sweating but my arms were cold it was just straight hell. Finally got some fluids in me and went to sleep and switched to Tylenol.

Woke up today and felt little crappy still but started drinking early and moving around and next thing i knew i felt great, ate breakfast and knew i wanted to go home and get out of the hospital once and for all. MD's made their rounds and i told them what i wanted and by 2 o'clock i was sitting in the car with a big smile. I feel great now, the scar is about 4 inches because he didnt crack the whole sternum and its pretty easy to move around and there are no wires. I had a heart spasm when i came out but a nitrodrip in recovery fixed that so now im all good and on the road to recovery:cool: Just cannot wait to get back to normal living and being able hug your loved one, turn over in bed, play a game of basketball and all the great joys in life

Thanks again and ill be sure to update on how im feeling;)

Luke Warner
Oh dear. On the one hand, it sounds as if you've been squished through the wringer in the hospital. On the other, your mood seems very upbeat and well on your way to a good recovery.

Glad to see your post ,nothing like home sweet home to put
a big smile on your face,wishing you all the best in the rest
of your recovery.

Congrats...sounds like you had a few days that were less than pleasant but it certainly sounds like you well on your way to getting back to living your life.
Oh man that is awful! I feel so bad for you. I am really glad you are home. I know just being home and in your own bed is good! I hope you recover fast now. Rest and take it easy:)

Welcome to the otherside!

You and I are opposite. I couldn't handle Morphine without getting sick and Percocet helped me out. Oh well, it's over and done for now.

Now your going to have good and bad days, so don't go trying to do too much all at once or believe me, your body will make you pay. ;)
Glad to hear from you was wondering how you were doing.
It sounds like a nightmare @ the hospital. Glad you are home. There's nothing like recovering @ home. Hope you get some rest and your recovery runs smooth.
Glad to read your post, Luke. The early barfing may have been because you were able to sweet talk your nurse out of too many ice chips for that post-op dry mouth. My nurse was very strict and rationed the ice chips like they were gold bricks but the patient next to me schmoozed too many ice chips and got violently ill and his nurse yelled at him because of the enormous mess. It was all quite noisy :eek: and it's one thing I vividly recall from my first post-op night.

There is no place like home. Hope your recovery goes very well. Take care.
Glad to read you are home and hope you left all the bumps behind in the hospital. Don't rush it, but improve with each day and we look forward to hearing how you are doing.


Don't those hospital people understand if they fill you full of meds with nothing in your stomach you'll just get sicker and throw it all up??:p My first two days were like that, I felt sicker from all the meds than from that nice new 9 inch scar I had running down my chest!! Thankfully I had an angel nurse that snuck me some saltine crackers(can't have salt in hospital) and that was the ONLY thing that saved me from getting sick. I ate those alone and lots of water pretty much the first 4 days. Anyone getting ready for surgery, pack some soda crackers. Debbie :) P.S. So glad everything went well:):)!!
Except from the tough time you had in hospital, the rest sounds great!I wish you a quick and uneventful recovery!:D
Medicine for the stomach?

Medicine for the stomach?

May I ask something?is it forbidden to give a post-op patient some medicine for the nausea?Generally something to protect the stomach?
i was given medication through iv for nausea and it helped some days and others it made me thrown up ten minutes later so i guess its just hit or miss with people. My nurse the first night was rationing the ice chips like platinum bars but i kept pestering away all night ( i dont remember this) and he would give me some, ka put in the bucket five minutes later lol. But it does feel great to be home finally but im still waiting for that full nights rest to come through for me. I feel like i have a brick on my chest at all times but no real pain luckily. I measured the incision and its a little less than 3 inches. I feel fantastic with no nausea but not being able to sleep has made me tired all the time and all i want to do is just move around because im used to being active so that kinda sucks....but oh well im adjusting for now. Thanks again for all the love and support;)

Hopefully the sleep cycle will return. In my case, it left and never came back. I'm constantly walking in a fog because of no sleep. Heck I've been in here since 2AM doing maintenance and getting ready to move the forum to another server. Now I'll try to lay down for a little while, but most likely will only sleep an hour. :(

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