8 days and counting........i'm scared !

  • Thread starter myheartsafluttering
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:eek:Hi guys, I go in on june 17 for my angiogram and be admitted, then surgery is scheduled for 8 a.m. next day........i was pretty calm until i realized how close i'm getting....just want it to be over, with of course, good results.....deep down i know all will go well, but still.............
:eek:Hi guys, I go in on june 17 for my angiogram and be admitted, then surgery is scheduled for 8 a.m. next day........i was pretty calm until i realized how close i'm getting....just want it to be over, with of course, good results.....deep down i know all will go well, but still.............

All will be OK!!! I promise.
With a good hospital and good surgeon; you will be much better when you begin to recover. I understand the wait and how hard it can be; but give yourself a break and just enjoy the idea of being better in just a few days.
Again, I PROMISE all will be well!!!!

God Bless and take care of yourself.

All will be fine and I hope you feel that sense of "calm" that many do as they enter the hospital. I put you on the calendar and we will be watching and waiting.
Thanks Ben...i know all will go well and that all of you have been through the same feelings and emotions....i just look forward to wakking up after the surgery and seeing my son's face ........then i know all will be well......i'm hoping that they can start me on the happy juice ASAP !

AVR Surgery
St. FRancis Hospital, Roslyn, NY
Surgeon, Dr. James Taylor
I'm sure all will be well.....looking back I thought that I was cool and collect.....but in retrospect I was numb with fear......would not admit it to my wife, wanting to be strong for her....she was the strong one:eek:.....everthing you are feeling is normal....I know I've said this a thousand times but, it really is not as bad as you are imagining.....you will do great!!!!:)
Thank Phyllis, and everyone, for your words of calm and comfort and thanks for putting me on the calendar..........in the meantime, i'll just continue the countdown!
Ditto what's been said. My fears were worse than reality. It'll be over before you know it and you'll be on the other side of the mountain recovering. Wishing you well.....


There are probably some folks out of there who were calm and collected as they approached OHS; I wasn't one of them. As others have said, it's normal to be scared.

Try to stay busy. Personally, I found that focusing on other things helped keep my mind occupied.

Remember, the odds of you having a good outcome are huge. Approach this with the most positive attitude that you can. You'll be okay.

You will do fine,honest and with all the support of this fine
family here you have for prayer and strenght,It will be alright.
Thank goodness for the happy juice as my date not set yet
but will be soon,the first time 16 years ago i wasnt on this great site
it never exsisted and boy that was reason for me to be scared,now i
will get to repeat same fear 16 years ago to a fear i know, but hey we
all fear even the known of surgery we are human,the waiting is what
gets us scared. Try and keep your self away from fearful negative
thinking,and when your surgerys done and im waiting for mine ,you can
post me on what a piece of cake it has been for you.My thoughts and
prayers are with you and on the 17th also,starting now!!!!!!

Best wishes on your surgery. My new AV arrived about 8 weeks ago. At this point I feel like I'm over the hump with no pain and a pot full o' energy. You'll do well. Stay busy until the big day arrives. When you hit the hospital doors, things happen quickly and you'll be asleep, then awake before you know it.:D
I can understand how you feel. I experience the exact same feeling. I hope everything goes ok and I wish you a quick and sound recovery. ;)
I'll be right there with you!!! My surgery is scheduled for Monday, 6/16. I haven't heard about a time yet. They will let me know Friday afternoon. I'm kind of freakin out as well but the nice thing is my son is graduating high school on Friday, 6/13 and on Saturday we are having a graduation party for approximately 60 people at our house. So I have kept nice and busy making lists, planning menus, shopping, cleaning, etc. Just plan to collapse on Sunday.

Good luck!!!
Hi Flutter,

Prior to my sugery I was a mess until I got fed up with the wait and decided I just wanted it over. At that point I started doing things I enjoyed with my family and tried to forget the surgery since there was nothing I could do anyway.Once you have the surgery you then have something to do...focus on recovery.:)Best of luck and prayers to all of you in the waiting room.That is the toughest part of the whole deal.
Hi, I just wanted to add my best wishes and send along good thoughts. Others have said it all: It is perfectly normal to be nervous going in. There is every reason for confidence that you will do well.
seeing your son's face. that part was so special to me. I vaguely woke in icu and saw a pair of tearful eyes above mine. My dear son's, filled with tears. You will feel the same.

you'll be fine once you are at the door of the hospital. You just sort of say 'ok, this is it; now it's their job and I am in good hands'. You will be just fine. But you also know that this board is right there holding your hand and praying that you have a very easy time of it. Blessins...........
Just wanted to wish you the very best of luck. It is normal to be scared, you will soon be on the road of recovery. Take care.
It is very normal to be anxious and nervous about the surgery, but I assure you that just before the surgery, you will experience a sense of calm and strength that will get you through this!

Stay busy as you can...Focus on the good outcome...Rally around family...Trust the hospital and the surgeon...Stay positive...

Best wishes for what I know will be a successful surgery and uneventful recovery. Look forward to hearing from you on the other side of the mountain....

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