Well, they finally called today. I am going in for my AVR on May 22nd. My surgery is at 8am and I have to be there at 6am that morning. I was surprised I didn't have to be there the night before. I have my pre-op testing on the 19th. I am starting my disability through work today. I took a weeks vacation last week because I just couldn't do my job anymore. Too much walking and lifting and I just couldn't cut it. I pushed myself really hard for a long time and I know when I have reached my limit. I am relieved to have a date set and although I am scared to have the surgery I know I have to have it to survive and have a good active life with my daughter. She is going to be 8 in a few weeks and she is really into sports and I just can't play with her anymore. Just being with her and watching her grow up is my focus and my goal to get through all of this. My house is just about ready and I just have a few things left to do before I will feel really prepared. My parents and my daughter will be at the hospital the day of my surgery but I figure once I am out of surgery and hopefully off the vent they can head home. We live about an hour and half from the hospital and I don't want them driving home too tired. How long does and AVR with root take? I didn't even think to ask the surgeon that. I know my daughter won't be able to see me that day and I really don't want her to see me until I am looking myself so I don't scare her. I have a list of stuff to pack so that will keep me a little busy while I wait but otherwise I plan to just rest and visit with friends. Thanks for all of your support and advice, I am so happy I found this site.