Cookers Weigh In---FridayThrow Down 1-11

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Hate to spoil the party but not everyone did all that well. I was up 1 this week. Now I need to step back and reassess what I was doing.
Jack, you'll be on your way back down in no time. Don't feel bad; heck I'm still above my start point, but I'll get to my goal this will you.

For this week's weigh in, I am -3 pounds. Cindy will report later.
Well after six days of workouts, I've stayed the same.:confused: Bummer!

SuperBob, 5 point penalty for using the derivitive of the word laxative in your comment directed at the Ref . . . . any questions, consult the rule book.* ;)

*Any consumption, mention, promotion, procurement, advertisement, inference or allusion to the usage of laxatives in the weigh in/throw down is expressly prohibited and penalties may be levied at the discretion of the referee.
I was sad, but not surprised at today's weigh in... Up one pound from yesterday. I know it's water weight because of the "down home cookin'" restaurant we went to last night, so I'm going to go with yesterday's weight for my "official" weigh in (hope that's okay). :)

Starting weight: 142
Last week: 135 (almost all water weight)
This week: 131
change this week: -4 (but I really think I stayed the same)
Total change: -11

I did my 2 teaspoons of vinegar this morning (white) in some cran/grape juice. Not sure if the taste was good or bad (VERY different), but I don't think it's curbing my appitite much. I'm still hungry! :D

Rob, I like oil AND vinegar on my salads. Gives it a little "tang." My favorite store bought dressing is red wine balsalmic vinegarette. And my favorite to make consists of oil, vinegar, sugar, and pepper. I have also been known to just sprinkle oil and red wine vinegar on my salads. Yummy! Dang it, you all are making me hungrier! ;)
cooker said:
The "Biggest Loser" (no copyright infringement intended:p ) will receive a prize package from the Chimp:D
Well, I know that won't be me! I only want to lose about 5 more pounds (which would put me at a total of -16), so I'm out. But you sure are awesome for offering a prize... Not sure what a chimp might consider a prize, though... And are we sure it won't be a box of krispy creams?! ;)
cooker said:
Everyone is doing so well......I am proud of all of us!!!1 It appears that PJ is leading the pack with a recorded loss of 26 pounds!!! Way to go PJ:D

Here's what I would like........ By my calculations we started this thing on 8-28-07, if I am wrong someone will correct me:p On the weigh in on 2-29-08 please post your total weight loss (in pounds:p ) since the beginning. The "Biggest Loser" (no copyright infringement intended:p ) will receive a prize package from the Chimp:D If we are tracking this in January 2009, and I hope we will be, a prize package will be awarded for the most weight loss in 2008. The contents of the prize package will remain undisclosed, hermetically sealed in a mayonnaise jar on the back steps of Funk & Wagnal. I can assure you that it will be well worth receiving:D

I love prizes! Looks like I've changed my goal from 15 lbs to 90. I have a lot of work to do by 2-29. I may have to get a leg removed. Or is that prohibited in the rules?

I haven't weighed yet today - I've not been "moved" to do so yet.;)
Well. I am staying the same , too.:( 170 lb one day..169 lb the next day..up/down...I admit, I have been eating lunch out more..O.Charleys with Grands last Monday...Eating the bun with fish/sandwich from fast-food, ect.....Had some much needed rain this week..No walking..:eek: ....Winter is not a good time for me to diet..I am a whimp when it comes to cold/wind/ect..Rather be fat than sick..:p Congrats to all the losers. bonnie
same ol' same ol', no loss, no gain. Thought for sure this week would see a loss, I've been very good - even walking more.

Question: what good does a digital scale do reading to 1/2 pound increments, when it doesn't recognize weight change? I haven't weighed on my dig scale in a while, but thought I would for grins after doing my normal weigh-in. I weighed nekkid, then weighed with my pajamas on - same weight. Well they weren't heavy PJ's but I figured they'd at least account for 1/2 pound. So - I weighed my PJ's on my digital food scale. They weighed almost a pound.

Neither of my scales are good. One can change depending on where I put my feet and the pressure I put on it, and the other doesn't recognize whole pound differences.
Nocturnal Activities

Nocturnal Activities

Karlynn said:
What are you doing online so late SB???? Shouldn't you be working out with your trainer??:D

SUPERBOB is pleased to report that he has managed to lose another 2 pounds this week, bringing him down to the total 20-pound loss he had before the tsunami of Christmas confections and despite the sudden appearance the other day of a huge tin of cookies made with fine Belgian chocolate. :)

Last night, SB awoke in the middle of the night (not unusual for him) and spotted the tin "hidden" away away on top of his spouse's dry sink. Deciding he wanted just one little treat, he grabbed the tin but lost control and it went clattering to the floor, spilling dozens of cookies all over. (There are literally hundreds in that tin. :eek: ) Some he put back, some he threw away, but some he, uh, er, ate -- after all he couldn't let Sadie the Superdawg discover any of this chocolate, could he? :eek:

There still must be at least 36 ounces of these danged cookies left in that tin, and SB knows where it is. :eek: Of course, according to the Ref's $5 per cookie (purely arbitrary and capricious) calculation, I now owe my wife enough money for her to go buy a nice fashionable coat. :p

Yes, SB and his personal trainer are advocates of aerobic exercise to get the heart pumping and work off miscellaneous calories. Will The Chimp's award be some nice new exercise mats if SB "wins" this Throw Down? :p

So what were YOU doing online so late, Karlynn. :p :p ;)
Likewise, SUPERBOB wishes to remove himself from competition for the prize, given that he is a member of the TD executive commitee, plus he has obvious superpowers, given that he can gobble a dozen chocolate cookies and still lose weight! :) :rolleyes: ;)
OK this is definitely going the wrong direction. I thought I had done well this week but I was really discouraged this morning after I got on the scale. However, I have had a day to come up with a lot of possible excuses....I mean reasons! :D I am going to re-evaluate my strategy on this and hopefully see some positive results next week.

Starting weight: 146
Today's weight: 147
Weekly change: +1 :eek:

Exercise: 5 days (average 40 min workout)

Now I know why our esteemed Chimp, leader of our merry Throw Down gang, drinks prune juice. It is to wash down the grit. :eek:

I will never again give him grief about his prune juice. In fact, having discovered that just 3 tiny cookies in my wife's Belgian chocolate collection have 140 calories, I may become a prune juice, uh, regular myself. :)

Ref, avert your eyes!
Hi everyone. What an inspiring thread. It sounds like you have a great support group going here. I think I'm at the point where I need to join you if that's possible. I am experiencing the aftermath of Christmas cookie overload....I love baking them and tell myself that they're to give away to friends and family, but this year, the friends and family didn't get enough of them, and I got too many!

This morning I weighed myself and I was at 182.5 which is only a half pound under my lifetime top weight. Ugh!!! It is also 14 pounds more than I weighed when I had my surgery about 20 months ago. It is time to take action!

The past year has been somewhat stressful in that we put our house on the market and eventually actually sold it, packed and moved ourselves halfway across the country, and are now in the process of gutting and renovating my husband's childhood home. I apparently coped with all of this by eating too many sweets (I have a very bad sweet tooth!), baking and eating dozens of Christmas cookies, and sneaking Hershey's kisses and Dove chocolates into my sewing room!!! Help!!!!

Is it possible to join your throw down? I'm in desperate need!!!!!

SusanC54 said:
Hi everyone. What an inspiring thread. It sounds like you have a great support group going here. I think I'm at the point where I need to join you if that's possible. I am experiencing the aftermath of Christmas cookie overload....I love baking them and tell myself that they're to give away to friends and family, but this year, the friends and family didn't get enough of them, and I got too many!

This morning I weighed myself and I was at 182.5 which is only a half pound under my lifetime top weight. Ugh!!! It is also 14 pounds more than I weighed when I had my surgery about 20 months ago. It is time to take action!

The past year has been somewhat stressful in that we put our house on the market and eventually actually sold it, packed and moved ourselves halfway across the country, and are now in the process of gutting and renovating my husband's childhood home. I apparently coped with all of this by eating too many sweets (I have a very bad sweet tooth!), baking and eating dozens of Christmas cookies, and sneaking Hershey's kisses and Dove chocolates into my sewing room!!! Help!!!!

Is it possible to join your throw down? I'm in desperate need!!!!!


Is it possible to join the Throw Down? just did!!!:D Welcome Susan and I applaud your courage!!! Not many have jump right in like you did. Just plan on posting your weight loss every Friday. Oh, and please join in the shenanigans :D :D

Welcome, Susan! Many of us are battling post-cookie syndrome. :p

We are glad to have you here. We have a little fun along with our serious business of losing some weight. :)

Watch out for the Chimp! :) :p
Susan, welcome!

I have the sweet tooth curse too. I can pass up chips and pretzels and bread and potatoes. But put a pan of brownies in front of me and stand back or you'll lose an arm!
Karlynn said:
Susan, welcome!

I have the sweet tooth curse too. I can pass up chips and pretzels and bread and potatoes. But put a pan of brownies in front of me and stand back or you'll lose an arm!

This is my problem - I like all of these! I may have to resort to the prune juice!! (Did I say that?!!:eek: )

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