Soda fountains with cola made from syrup and carbonated water sprayed into the glass. Malts so thick you needed a spoon and made with ice cream, milk and syrup all mixed on the spot.
Waiting each week for the new 45rpm singles to be released.
5 cent candy bars and penny candy.
35 cent movie theater admission with free popcorn to the first 50 people.
Huge movie theaters with curtains that withdrew as the movie was starting.
Theaters with balconies.

Drive-in theaters.
Buses that ran on overhead electric lines and the sparking when they went over connection boxes.
Believing in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy.
Trick or Treating.
Running for no reason at all other than it was so important to get to your best friends house.
Having a best friend who lived within running distance.
Mentioned before - coming home at lunch to Mom's grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup.
Being excited about 6 inches of snow because you would get off from school.
Snowball fights and hot cocoa after.
I will stop here because I have tears welling up.
However - I would not trade what I have learned and experienced to go back.