It's going to be one of those days

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
Just got off the phone with the health department about my variance request to hooking up to the County sewer system. It appears they are going to force us to do it. Where the money is coming from is anyones guess at this point. I'll have to try the regional planning commission again and see if they can still help us. Why is it so friggin hard for these people to understand that we don't have the money for this sort of thing? There is nothing wrong with our system as is, but they want to be sure they catch their revenue by strong arming people. This guy really t'd me off. He said, "well you'll have to do something to change your living circumstances or this could be looked upon as you cannot take care of your property." To me, he just provoked a fight. Doesn't matter that I'm disabled and wife gets laid off every year nor that I have one son home from an accident not of his creation.

Sorry I'm venting here, but I've had about all I can take for the rest of my life. Every week, something else comes along to blow me away. Why can't you just pay your property tax and be left alone?
Sorry for all your bad luck Ross. I wish there was something I could do to help. I will continue to keep your family in my prayers and if you can think of anything I can do please let me know. Some days are very trying in this life, I hope things turn around real quick for you all.
Ross, I'm sorry yo are having so many problems. I don't know of you tried this already, but have you called your congressman yet? I'm sure you are not the only person in your area that simply does not have the money to do this even IF you wanted to, so there mus be something in place to either help w/ the bill or varience. Mt congessman was realy helpful when We struggled the 3 years waiting for my disabiliy to be approved,
My only hope is with the regional planning commission and there low income rehab program. It used to and I hope still does, consists of 1/3 grant which never has to be paid back, 1/3 very low interest loan that has to be paid back in a set amount of time, and the other 1/3 must be paid back before the property can be sold. It's a one time thing, so it's basically try to get all you can done, done and hope the payments are low enough not to tear into much more of our budget. The problem is, we are tapped out now. Doing this is going to create 2 more bills, that I know of, that are going to be extremely difficult to finance.

I could have lived fine without the mans rudeness. Change my living circumstances? WTF, like I enjoy being disabled? And if I don't do it, it could be looked upon as I cannot take care of my property? Gee, now is that a threat or what! Sorry, but I feel like going down there and going postal on him.
Wow, sorry to hear it Ross. I bet you would have a nice discrimination case against them for the commet. Play your sick and disabled card!
LUVMyBirman said:
Wow, sorry to hear it Ross. I bet you would have a nice discrimination case against them for the commet. Play your sick and disabled card!
This is Ohio, they don't care. As long as your alive and have a social security number, they screw with you anyway they can.
The low income rehab program sounds promising. We have a distant relative who improved her home several years ago with a program maybe similar and it didn't have to be repaid to the city until she sold her home.

Now where my mom lives in rural north Missouri, lots of people still have hundreds of acres there but some of their toilets just have a very long pipe that runs downhill and lets out any old place:eek:... I'd imagine that's not unique to the "Show Me" state either... Be careful hiking through pastures and streambeds in the midwest -- that may not be a cowpie:eek:...

We had some friends very near us who were threatened with something like you are because they complained about a county problem and the unincorporated county enforcer made them comply with some obscure law that none of their neighbors had to comply with, instead of helping with the issue. It seemed another injustice. "Man dominates man to his [own] injury," and in many ways.

See Ross, maybe you would be a good candidate to the home makeover idea PJRunner presented... Is someone going to followup on that?
I'm just sick and tired of it all. We don't do anything, we don't go anywhere, we don't bother anybody, but yet, trouble comes directly to us constantly. Sorry if I'm whining, but this is getting to beyond ridiculous. I looked up the state law concerning this and there is no limitation on time, but butt hole insists that County law says 60 days. Scuse me, but doesn't Ohio law trump County law?
Don't go postal!:eek: ;) :p

I'd complain about his comment.

I don't know who to, but someone in your local government.
Ross.....Please...Whine All You Want.....

Ross.....Please...Whine All You Want.....

You most certainly have had WAAAAAAAAYYYYY more than a person can take as far as tragedy and frustration goes. I honestly don't know why all this @#!# has fallen on you and yours, but you have to know that I as well as many others on this website ARE NOT HAPPY ABOUT IT ONE BIT....I guess this just goes to show you that the ones who are running the government (local or otherwise), who are happy in health, money and security and who haven't had to endure what you have, feel as though they don't have to understand it, and moreover, feel as though they can judge you....and what's worse is that they DON'T WANT TO UNDERSTAND...until it happens to them.... How Convenient......:mad: :mad:

I know your tired of all of it, and I just want you to know that I just can't understand why these idiots are so ignorant and so indifferent to your situation.

Please know that I am running into frustrations of my own, and while they may not exactly be the same in content, they are also dealing with the government and all of it's posse. I am right with you all the way on all of this troublesome garbage Ross. :( :eek: :( Harrybaby:mad: :( :eek:

So sorry to hear of your dilemma. I believe that I would be as hot as you are!!! I have one question. What are they going to do if you don't pay it all in one lump sum? Why can't you make payments?

We have a property on a lake in Indiana and the government mandated that the lakes had to go to city sewer. They took the amount and divided it out and we make monthly payments for the next 20 years (I think). It costs us
$58.00 per month.

Indiana is way more laid back than Ohio, at least in Steuben County.

When you can't stand it anymore; fall to your knees and PRAY. My prayers are with you!

Send them photo copies of everyone's medical bills and tell them if they'd like to come out and take your home away because you can't keep it up, some tv or newspaper might be interested in a story like yours.

Or better yet - send them copies and a letter and CC it to a TV and Radio station, along with the copy of the state law.
Bottom line is that I'm going to have to deal with it. The million dollar question is, will we survive it? I get rather paranoid when the chips are down and have been, all to be dictated to by another branch of the Government. The same Government that wants you off of welfare, but does so much to put you right back into it.
I would have said:Excuse me sir,is that a threat? Could you put that in writing so i can give that threat to my lawyer........
Ross said:
He said, "well you'll have to do something to change your living circumstances or this could be looked upon as you cannot take care of your property."

How does this guy sleep at night saying things like that?


Ross ... very sorry this is happening to you. I know it probably doesn't feel like much to ya, but thoughts/prayers are coming your way....

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD =
"I'd try to run, but I don't think I can" ... Waylon Jennings ... 'Ain't Living Long Like This'
Ross sorry to hear of your problems with the local government health authority, if this grant/loan program is available it would certainly be worth looking into. :(

I can't get over the generosity of the local government that looks after the area where your holiday house is. A payment plan organised by the sewerage authority. In Australia usually the local authority demand payment up front no excuses or they commence legal action to recover it including selling the property if necessary. This is often a hot topic in holiday locations.
We have so much government these days that tell us what we can and cannot do? What happened to freedom of choice. Our lawmakers just keep on making laws. Some of us can't abide by those laws. Then we have no recourse. Who is your commissioner? Find her/him. Ask for an exception or special consideration. Or call the mayor. After years of complaint about a gas leak from a pipe in the yard that nobody could find (!), I called the mayor and he sent a crew out here in half an hour - it was found and fixed right then.

Another thought: Chris has many friends, probably. Can't they throw a benefit of some sort? Benefits are going on here all the time.

Somebody write to Oprah. She helps people, too.
I cant post what I am would have to censor it. Talk about kicking a bloke while he is down...

This is just not right .
I'm going to see if they approve the variance or not. I've submitted everything to them over the last 5 years, so they are well aware of the circumstances, they just want to be butt-holes about it.

My septic system is ancient for all practical purposes, but it works just fine and we have it pumped out yearly. As with everything else around here, it can act up just about whenever it wants to now. I would be forced to do the job then. Maybe I'm bucking for the wrong reasons. All I know is that I could have lived a much better day had I been talked to more civilly by this guy.
A septic system is a perfectly acceptable form of waste disposal. It needs periodic maintenance (pumping), but usually lasts for a long, long time. We have septics in the neighborhood. There is a movement here to switch to sewer lines. There are many engineers in the neighborhood, and they are fighting like mad to keep the septics, and I agree with them. I have lived with a septic system for 40 years now. It works fine.

It is the newbies in the neighborhood that think the septics don't work, they are wrong.

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