Cruise Reunion on October 23, 2006

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Haven't seen anything about the Oct. 23'rd cruise reunion for quite some time now.
Is it still a go?
Hope so cause we're paid up, at least until the August 15 final payment date.
What's happening? Still have 30 attendees? Hopefully more by now.
Perhaps I'm looking for updates regarding the 2006 reunion cruise in the wrong place on this web site.
Best wishes,
Bovine aortic valve replacement 4/12/2002 at CCF. Doing great.
Jim & I will be waddling (bobbing? paddling?) along, too. I've been in withdrawal ever since we didn't go to Las Vegas last year; need my annual dose of folks! Jim's limbering up his slots elbow.
Wow. 30 folks for the cruise! Good going. Wish I could swing it...just not in the cards. :(

I can assure from previous experience...a good time will be had by all!;) :D
Thanks for Responses

Thanks for Responses

Hi Rain, Georgia and Gina,
Appreciate your responses. It appears that there still will be a reunion this year (we've never been to one before) and I appreciate your pep talks.
Rain, I have even driven through Cortez. Got lost somewhere in Utah or Idaho once because someone had to change Hwy 666 to some other number, and I didn't have a current map. We've been to many of the places you mentioned in your response, and it's beautiful country.
Just returned from a 30-day 5,000 mile road trip and that Interstate 5 through greater LA from north to south is rough traffic during non-rush hours on a normal work day. However we have left from San Pedro harbor on a couple of prior cruises without any problems.
During this current trip we finished by staying 3 nights at the Dana Point Marina Inn, a place we've been going for over 30 years. It our "unwinding" spot. We will probably do it again before or after the cruise. (Oddly enough that facility is owned by Orange County, CA; but we feel that it's a great place to stay.)
Thanks again -- and talk up the cruise! I'll bet one can still get reservations.
2006 VR Reunion on the high Seas!

2006 VR Reunion on the high Seas!

It's probably still not too late to sign up. Just let me know if you are interested and I will talk to Rita..


Hi All,
can't wait till the cruise, Mike has till not made any airlines or hotell plans.
We plan on going to San Diego to see my baby. I sent her off to her new life a little over a month ago. But it seems little it has been a life time,
I need all the prayers I can get for the next yr. And now I am helping my daughter plan her wedding. She had the ring for two weeks and I've been to three stores and two wedding shows and looked at one place for the reception. I get tired just to think how much we got to befor next yr, Yhe date is not set yet. We have three pick out so far. Yhe crusie will help me take my mind off the other stuff,
Travel Agent = Rain

Travel Agent = Rain

Howdy Hank,

It will be my husband, myself, my daughter and Ryan (who is also a member of the site).

But Hank.... I really don?t want our full names listed. :eek: I know, I know... I?m probably paranoid. But humor me. :D

And anyone who reads this and knows where I live.... you should know I have two HUGE dogs who will be staying home, and a house sitter. :p Also another son who will be there everyday for lunch, a daughter-in-law who will be there occasionally AND the next door neighbor is a detective for the police dept. Also... please note all the police cars on my street. Oh.......... and all the good stuff is under lock and key anyway. :p :D Hee Hee

Okay.... maybe I am paranoid. :D But I don't think so... I just like to cover all my bases.
Hey, Rain - 'fraid yer neighbors'll think yer gettin' uppity, takin' a cruise an' all??? :D
I hope everyone has a wonderful time....and are not being paranoid.......I'm the same way when I leave my home........Today, I was at my daughter's home they were at their new home..unpacking...She still owns this home until August 1st......when I drove up..the new owners had put a huge For Rent sign in front yard...:eek: I was afraid to open windows, leave doors unlocked ect...for fear some nut would come and look thru the windows.:eek: thank goodness daughter/hubby showed up for a few hours...while we finished cleaning....We made sure all doors, ect. were locked when we left...daughter is nicer than me..didn't want to call new owners..about the sign...I would have in a heart-beat.:mad: :mad: :mad: there were still some things left............Have fun..all. wish I knew your VR.Com member names.Don't recognize you by your full names...:confused: Bonnie
Good Point

Good Point

Good Point Rain - I didn't even think about that. I don't think it's a big deal, but I should have thought about it first. Here is the new list with first names only.

So are you taking 2 cabins?


It all sounds so surreal cruising with fellow VR members, actually meeting people from our online fellowship. Being half a world away obviously I will not be able to make it. I do however hope all those that can attend have a great time and are able to post some photos so those that didn't can at least get an insight into what we missed out on. :)
Twenty-Six Miles Across The Sea

Twenty-Six Miles Across The Sea

Since I recently saw the cruise ship, Carnival's Paradise, advertised on a web site that lists almost every available cruise and cruise ship, it is logical to assume that anyone who is interested can still sign up for the Reunion Cruise. I just made our final August 15'th payment through Rita. We're set to go. Join the party guys!
If you want to learn more about our cruise ship, you can research it on (Not Rita's outfit.) (The rate we got is still a good one.)
Having lunch recently with an ex-Marine fighter pilot, he mentioned that there was a 50's or 60's tune with the lyrics "26-miles across the sea". That is the distance from Long Beach to Avalon, our first port-of-call. Anyone know of this song?
Looking forward to meeting you in October.


You can also go to to see a lot of information about the ship and the destinations. You can schedule excursions at the different ports of call and pre-order gifts to be in the rooms and so on and so forth.

If you are booked on the cruise, you can register for additional information. You will need your booking number. If Rita didn't give it to you then you can give her a call and she will give it to you.

We are still waiting to hear exactly when the main meeting will be, but it will be on one of our nights at sea. I arranged this so that I will have a captive audience and everyone can't take off early like las year :p
I am so sorry I'm going to miss this reunion. It will be the first one I've missed since I joined!:mad: I have other commitments though and just can't get off work for an entire week like that, working at the Law School.

I know everyone will have a blast! It has been so much fun seeing members I already met and meeting more each year! Hank, Michelle,Rain, Sherrin, Georgia I going to miss seeing and visiting with you all! :( Also meeting members I've never met! To the ones that have never been to one of our reunions, you will feel like you've known each already when you do meet each other. It is such an AWESOME experience!
Port-of-Call: Avalon, Catalina

Port-of-Call: Avalon, Catalina

There is a good travel article on Avalon, Catalina, which may be of interest to anyone planning on going on the Reunion Cruise in October.
Re: Sunset magazine, September, 2006, pages 32 through 38.
OldManEmu said:
It all sounds so surreal cruising with fellow VR members, actually meeting people from our online fellowship. Being half a world away obviously I will not be able to make it. I do however hope all those that can attend have a great time and are able to post some photos so those that didn't can at least get an insight into what we missed out on. :)

If I ever win the big lottery, I'll fly a group down-under for a true Southern reunion!
Don said:
Since I recently saw the cruise ship, Carnival's Paradise, advertised on a web site that lists almost every available cruise and cruise ship, it is logical to assume that anyone who is interested can still sign up for the Reunion Cruise. I just made our final August 15'th payment through Rita. We're set to go. Join the party guys!
If you want to learn more about our cruise ship, you can research it on (Not Rita's outfit.) (The rate we got is still a good one.)
Having lunch recently with an ex-Marine fighter pilot, he mentioned that there was a 50's or 60's tune with the lyrics "26-miles across the sea". That is the distance from Long Beach to Avalon, our first port-of-call. Anyone know of this song?
Looking forward to meeting you in October.
Just in case you haven't found out, the song is called "26 Miles" and was recorded in 1958 by the Four Preps.

For all those going - if you get a chance, take the bus trip around the town of Avalon. Also, the submarine excursion is fun. There are longer inland trips that explore the wildlife and are really beautiful but they take a few hours.
Big Olaf's has great ice cream and waffle cones.
Have a great time.
Hello to All,

I too am wondering how many are going on the cruise. My husband and I are combining the cruise with a trip to visit our children and grandchildren in Los Angeles. Though I'm not a regular contributor, I found this website to be very helpful to me in the first months after surgery. I am hoping there will be a good turnout and look forward to visiting with fellow members.

Janet Richardson,
Mitral Valve Replacement 1999

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