Musician2K's surgery Tuesday

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Just want to get a head start on wishing you the best for Tuesday. Hope you have a fun and peaceful weekend, Chris and we will all be awaiting good news after you climb the mountain. Best Wishes,
Aw, thanks Phyllis, I really appreciate that. This forum has meant SO much to me, I'm very appreciative of everyone's positive thoughts & knowledge.


Phyllis said:
Just want to get a head start on wishing you the best for Tuesday. Hope you have a fun and peaceful weekend, Chris and we will all be awaiting good news after you climb the mountain. Best Wishes,
Well here is wishing the best of luck and then some, for an uneventful surgery and recovery. Someone has to dethrown that mtnbiker dude. :D

I walk in the doors with you, go to the OR with you, then I sit and freak until I here how it went, so please have someone post for you. ;)
praying for you next week

praying for you next week

I am sure you can't believe the time is almost here, but here it is one weekend away. I will pray for you and be anxious to hear from you. Did I tell you that I went to your myspace site and listened to your music. I am a bit of a music nut and I must say I really enjoyed your tunes. Have you ever put togethher a cd? I would love to buy one from you if you have. I am a fan of Winston and Brickman like you. I heard Winston in concert once many moons ago. It was very pleasant, but the music was so relaxing people were falling asleep in the audience. I guess that is a compliment, not sure though. Well, back to the subject at hand I will be anxiously anticipating news from you, and any advice. Don't forget to smile a lot in icu like temp69 said. God bless,

From one Hoosier to another, here's wishing you the best as you approach your surgery. We'll see you on the other side of that proverbial mountain.


I'll be praying for you in these next few days! We'll be in the hospital at the same time....I go in Thursday. I'll be interested to know how you faired..our recovery will be on the same time track so it'll be interesting to see the differences and similarities. We could add a wager to make things interesting! Who walkes the furthest the soonest...:eek: LOL
God Bless,
I know your surgery is going to be hugely successful. We will wait anxiously for the good news.
Best of luck to you! If you can make it through these pre-op days, you can make it through anything. Post-op is a breeze in comparison!. Enjoy your weekend and look forward to feeling so much better!
WE will be cheering you on from here.........

WE will be cheering you on from here.........

Sending hugs and prayers. J.
I will be looking forward hearing from you, telling us all things are great! Good luck. I will be thinking and praying for you - especially on Tuesday. :)
Good Luck!

Good Luck!

Wishing all the best for your surgery and the recovery. Please take time to relax and enjoy family and friends this weekend. I hear the view from the other side of the mountain is enjoy it :) and I'll meet you there in a couple of weeks.

Best of Luck to you.

Leah :)
Eat drink and be merry this weekend, Chris - after Tuesday you won't feel like it for a while.

I'm sure you have everything ready to go now. We'll all be rooting for you this week.
best wishes to you! will be looking for your post-surgery posts!
prayers & good thoughts,
Ross said:
Someone has to dethrown that mtnbiker dude.

Now how did I get dragged into this?:confused:

Chris, go have a boring surgery with an unevenful recovery. That is the current requirement for all members of this site.

Will be eagerly looking for post surgery update.
Go get em' Chris!!! Soon you'll be able to sit here and exchange stories with us on the other side of the Mountain. Just remember to try to remain calm while under the anesthetic.;)
Chris and Deana-
I'll be thinking about and praying for you this week. I have my pre-op testing and appointments on Wednesday and Thursday, and my PVR is on Friday. We'll all be in the hospital at the same time!

Here's hoping we all have a successful surgery and VERY BORING recovery.
We're all in it together

We're all in it together

Pamela & Chris,
I pray we all three~~along with the others having surgery soon~~are stronger than ever, feel better than ever, and are able to leap buildings in a single bound! :D
May God bless the Surgeons hands, protect everyone, and give us all a peace that surpasses all understanding. I pray that we might encourage others in our weaknesses in order to show God's strength!
Adding my prayers for all of you facing surgery this week. Seeing you surrounded in healing light and love with the highest outcomes for all concerned.


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