Okay, silly as it is I have known this time was coming...just that I never ACTUALLY expected it to come! LOL I'm having my Ross Procedure done hopefully in Sept. I am terrified. I am finally having a will made out next week, even scarier. I just know they will be dragging me to the OR kicking and screaming. I don't think I have quite made it through all the stages of grief yet, and I seem to keep coming back to the ones I thought I was already through. I can't even describe how pissed (pardon me) I am that I had to be born with this. I am even more furious that my previous cardiologist, who I fired in May, was so negligent and irresponsible. He led me to believe that it would be YEARS before I needed surgery, like when I am an old lady. Then, long story short I knew that shortness of breath was nothing to mess around with and there you have it folks I got a second opinion and I am having surgery in Sept. Yay for me and my child
I am grateful that there are still competent cardiologists out there, and that I have found one. I am also grateful that I was born 29 years ago and not 100 years ago because there is actually medication, surgery, and testing for all of this. I am also grateful that my ascending aorta is okay since there was a chance I had an aneurysm and would need it repaired as well. So I guess what my long, drawn out question to all of you is, when does the fear go away? When am i going to be my happy and relaxed self again? Any words of encouragement would go a long way!