zipper2 update #3

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Well-known member
Nov 4, 2007
the Classic Car Capital of Canada
Just spoke with Deb on the phone, she is doing good, was awake during the angiogram and joking with the staff! She is staying in until Monday, by her choice, because (a) she has a long way to go to get home and is worried about what she would do if her wound started bleeding or something happened and (b) she is being bridged and they need to get her INR into range. She said it was 4.0 today, she is normally around 3.5, and is still on the heparin. She is going to talk to someone about it as soon as she can.

Anyway, she is fine, only thing keeping her there is the bridging. She has also been told not to go back to work, and her surgery will be at the end of October, date not known yet.

That's all for now, folks !
Hi ~ Thanks for the update on Deb...i'm glad she's fine and hope she has no complications (she shouldn't) and that she's home now.