Zazzy's Day!

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Tomorrow is Zazzy's Birthday!!!!

It's your SpeciaL DAY Zazz, and you deserve to have a GREAT one!!! Sending all possible good wishes to you on this day and all to come! Your fellow Z..

Just gone

Just gone

It really is your birthday now.......well in Ireland anyway.

Have a great day Carol and you can start the celebrations anytime you like.
hi zazzy!
hope you have a wonderful, happy birthday and many more to come! God knows, you deserve them!
how will you be celebrating? well, have a great day and don't forget to tell us all about it.
all the best,
Thanks! I am most grateful... not only for the birthday greetings from my wonderful friends, but for every single day!!!!

Isn't life just DUCKY????? lol (oops there's the Oregonian coming out in me again!!! hee hee)

Take care,
Ducky?! Zazz, are you losing it?!?!? LOL.

Seriously, happy birthday!! I hope you have a marvellous day today! Eat lots and lots of cake :D.

Many hugs,

/jessica :D

Happy Birthday Zazzy and may you many more in the coming years!
Happy, happy: Zazzy!

Happy, happy: Zazzy!

Zazzy, Happy Birthday and many, many more years of health, wealth and love!
Happy Birthday, Zazzy.:) :)

Have a great day and a fabulous year ahead!

Ron K

HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you have a wonderful day and manny manny more. You deserve it after all you have been through! Life is just Ducky!:D :D. Have a great one! Take care and God Bless!
An Oregon Duck???

Well, I hope your birthday has been a special one.

Chris (Go Dawgs)