Your checks are in the mail?

Valve Replacement Forums

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This past week I finished sending e-mail confirmations to all who requested t/sweatshirts. I have 65 orders total and have received payments for 12 of these.

Please, by the end of next week, send me your responses or let me know if you did not receive my e-mail. [email protected]

Your order must be pre-paid to receive a shirt. (May 24th is the cut -off). Production begins right after Memorial Day.

Thanks for participating in this fundraiser.
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Hi Perry,

Hope my check was among the 12. I sent it last Monday the 6th.

The check is in the really it is...honest

The check is in the really it is...honest

Hey Perry...I dropped the check in the mail yesterday (Friday).

Checks in hand

Checks in hand

Christina, Jim L, and sylviayasgur...I have received. Will probably get Johnny's early next week.

Thanks one and all!

So you know Perry, mine went out last night and should be in your hands either Tuesday or Wednesday. I think it'll take 2 maybe 3 days to get to you?
Hi Perry-

You should have mine by now. By the way, it's a great job you've done. Lots of work, I'm sure. It's very nice of you to do it.

Love the swoosh design.
Thanks again

Thanks again

I wanted to mention that order "revisions" are acceptable throughout the next two weeks. You can upsize or downsize your order if you like (hopefully your size doesn't change-just the size of your order!).

[email protected]

Otherwise, we are on our way to finalizing the project and I think I have everything pretty well in order. Let me know if I've left anything out.

Thanks again.