Yea, I'm home Debbie

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Well-known member
Oct 13, 2007
So. California area
:) :) :) Got home yesterday :) :) :)

Thanks you everyone for posting while I was in the hospital, I got all your posts from mike(racefan) and he read them to me each day. Got home late last night, I had the surgery last Thursday. Everything went well except they had to do the heart lung bypass machine through my femoral artery because when they started to open me up I had scar tissue that had grown into my sterem and they could'nt get in that way, so as a result I have alot of pain in my left leg that run all the way down to my feet. They say it's nerve damage and it will go away, but I have a feeling it's going to take longer for my leg to heal than my chest. I have almost no pain in my chest just sore all over. I'm still pretty tired ,need to go snuggle up in the recliner again. Thank goodness for the recliner, it's going to be my best friend for the next month!! Thank you again everyone for your posts, thoughts, and prayers:) Debbie
Welcome home! :) Take it easy on yourself & get plenty of rest. The main thing is that your surgery is over with & you're home & on your way to having a better life!

Best Wishes!:)
Welcome home Debbie! Walk, sleep, eat and breathe - those are your jobs for the next week or so.
Welcome home, glad to hear all went well for you. It takes nerves a long time to heal, 1mm a month if I remember correctly. Give it 6 months at least. If it gets too bad and you can't take an anti-inflammatory like advil or aleve, your doctor can prescribe neurontin, works well for nerve pain.
Welcome Home Debbie,

Great news. From all of us in the waiting room...Way To Go! :) Hopefully we will joing you over the mountain soon.

God Bless,
Welcome Home! Yes, recliners are wonderful. I'm happy to hear that everything went well. Your leg will feel better in no time. Mine healed faster than my incision, but did feel worse in the beginning. Although part of my leg is numb (and will be for a long time) it's not bothersome or painful. I don't notice it. I walked with a limp for the first few weeks, then it went away.

Get plenty of rest, walks, and more rest. Wishing you a speedy, smooth recovery.
Welcome Home !

Welcome Home !

Welcome home! The recliner will be one of your better friends and the nerve pain will slowly go away. Just take it easy and follow the post-surgical instructions about lifting, etc. All my best and looking forward to that winery tour - Jim :cool:
Woo Hoo!

Woo Hoo!

Welcome home Debbie!!

Sorry about your leg, they did my bypass through the left groin but it didn't affect me the way yours is. Sorry you had to hit that bump in the road.

Now, go rest up, breathe, eat, walk, and enjoy the recliner!

JAJ99 said:
Welcome Home! Yes, recliners are wonderful. I'm happy to hear that everything went well. Your leg will feel better in no time. Mine healed faster than my incision, but did feel worse in the beginning. Although part of my leg is numb (and will be for a long time) it's not bothersome or painful. I don't notice it. I walked with a limp for the first few weeks, then it went away.

Get plenty of rest, walks, and more rest. Wishing you a speedy, smooth recovery.

Debbie, I'm glad you are home and everything went well. Justin had his surgery in June and also had the groin bypass, his experience was/is alot like Jean described.


Glad to see you back and posting again. Thoughts/prayers coming your way for a continued SUCCESSFUL recovery :).

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"It's just a matter of time" ... TG Sheppard ... 'Somewhere Down The Line'


Welcome home, a much more comfy and happy place. Glad you are on the way to mending. Had lots of groin pain from my femoral bypass, also. It does get bettter over time. As others have said relax and take it easy for a while. As Jim has said look forward to our next outing.
How are you today, Debbie? Catch a little sunshine if you can. Take care and post again.


Hello today everyone, thanks for all the posts yesterday. Louise, I decided this morning to take Aleve instead of my codine for pain because I woke up with a bad headache and Aleve works best for me, and guess what my leg has not had that burning stabbing pain today, I did'nt even put the two together until I read your post. So now I know Aleve for nerve pain. Guess what, I took my first real shower today :D It's been a week they would'nt let me take one in the hospital, just sponge bath and was too tired to take one yesterday. Never thought the highlight of my day would be taking a shower!!! Debbie :)