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I stumbled in vr.com's website door about 3-4 minutes before you posted. (I posted under Technical Support.)

I have been absolutely lost for the last 10 days....... I kept thinking, "Is this how NORMAL :D people live?"

I couldn't find anyone at twitter or facebook. Really don't care for those websites anyways......
I was waiting for the e-mail from Ross telling us it was back up and happened to peek in.

Sure has been a long, long dry spell. There are still a few bugs drifting in. On my last post "Bubba Update" I noticed Al's last post is now the lead post. Others are probably the same way.

Also peeked into "Chat" and got a FATAL ERROR (very scary WARNING for a valve replacement site!!!!!).

Thanks for all your work Ross, Hank and Galahad. Here's to many more years of VR.COM!!!

May God Bless,

Danny :)

Oh yeah, Hi to you two!!!
I went on vacation, and they closed the place up while I was gone!:eek: Wonder if "they" were trying to tell me something?:confused::rolleyes:
I'm glad to see that we're back up and running.:)
It's so good to see the site back online. Glad I peeked and didn't wait for an email. Vacations are always nice (even if they are the "working" kind), but there's nothing like coming home again! Welcome back everyone. Jane
Hey Mary, I said you must of turned the lights out when you went on vacation but I think you also took all the light bulbs with you.:D:D
I am glad to have VR up and running again.
Bubba is right as usual.....Mary tripped on the power cord while running out the door for vacation.
Marsha, we were on Twitter....Halley, Lisa, Eva, myself; we didn't have much to say, but kept in touch.

Just like getting thru Valve Replacement, the site resurrection is complete.

Check out "Pre-Surgery" and "Anti-Coagulation". Folks are already helping each other.

There may be bugs, glitches and growing pains BUT,


May God Bless each of you and VR.COM,

Danny :)
Bubba is right as usual.....Mary tripped on the power cord while running out the door for vacation.
Marsha, we were on Twitter....Halley, Lisa, Eva, myself; we didn't have much to say, but kept in touch.

I'm on Twitter (have 2 accounts), but can't figure it out. Do they have a Twitter for Dummies book?????????????
I'm on Twitter (have 2 accounts), but can't figure it out. Do they have a Twitter for Dummies book?????????????

ok, I found you on Twitter and have added you to my "follow" group.
Sign in to Twitter with your tx name, go to your profile, and you can delete all those unknown weirdos "following" you, then just do a "search people" for my ID and click on my name to follow.
oh boy, this sounds screwy, just play around for a bit.:D