Y'all aren't going to belive it. Did someone say leak 😡

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So happy to hear you have been able to see clients. I've been wondering about that but was afraid to ask in case you weren't and it made you more depressed. I know how much your work means to you and I know being back on the job must lift your spirits.
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You have know idea !! I find myself in a happy place it truly is so therapeutic. I love my clients l don't even consider it work to be honest. And it doesn't take alot of energy. I am moving in slowly as you can imagine it's going to take time to rebuild my clientele. Furthermore l work my own hours and l need this break to just be. It's good for my soul, my mental state and it's financially rewarding. So yes l woulda been depressed lol ! Just happy to feel like l'm doing something cause l don't feel like dusting much here at home. 😕
Xx 😘 Michele
Again thx u l pm you this morn. Thank you for you !

Forever Thankful
Thank you !
Hope you are doing great have healed well. I feel guilty sometimes about not keeping up with everyone else's recovery. It's not all about me l know but it kinda has been as of late. I feel good today again l have really been praying alot for resolution but more than that just to keep moving forward with a peace of mind and confidence and to trust in this whole process.
somehow when I found this cartoon I thought of you harrietW

Hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha! 😜 geez I wonder why haha !
I'm dying hahahaha!
That's hilarious Pellicle couldn't be anymore appropriate! !
Thank for the laugh!
I think surgeons almost have to be arrogant: "Cut into people? When one wrong move could be fatal? Sure no problem!" And also on the cold side emotionally for the same reason. They are cutting into people all day for their job, they do make mistakes as we all do and if you have a ton of empathy or personal sensitivity I would think you'd struggle. I know my sister described this when she was working in a NICU (yes you are working to save the baby when you do procedures, but you feel emotionally like you are torturing them at the same time and it kills you inside if you don't succeed). Surgeons I think have to have that clinical distance to do what they do day in and day out. It's not a normal job in any sense of the word.
Thinking of you Harriet and hoping that the regurgitation in your mitral valve is not severe and will remain stable. I had mod regurgitation immediately after mitral repair and it has been pretty stable for 13 years now, only now worsening to mod-severe. Obviously it's frustrating but I'm hoping this will not be one of your immediate problems as you have enough to deal with.
dornole Xx
I agree with you 100 % that is why l just have to keep pushing forward and just be at peace with it all. Although l have moments of complete insanity lol sigh !
I am not feeling my best these last few days although l did have a few days of reprieve.
I saw my cardiologists Monday and see my Ent doc this afternoon. So l was saving it all for an update. I am having alot of Arrhythmia skipping jumping starting stopping Very loud pounding .. so also picking up a Holter monitor Also this afternoon.
One way or the other l'm gunna plow through it all Because that's what we do ..