Wreckless driving, retaliation (Road Rage) is NOT worth it

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After a great day at work today, I was on my way home, heading west in the center lane of IL RT 58 in Schaumburg (traveling about 20 miles per hour ? luckily), when a car streaked across the roadway from the right lane to the left lane in front of me ? no warnings, no signals, nothing. I was too shocked at what the driver did to react (i.e. honk horn). However, the driver of the car to my left blared his horn. The driver of the offending car apparently thought I had honked my horn and dived back into the center lane in front of me, sped up slightly, and then slammed on his brakes. I saw the rear end of the car shoot upwards and I quickly hit my brakes, skidding to almost a complete stop ? I didn?t because I didn?t want to be rear ended myself. In the meantime, the offending car took off and weaved his way through traffic ahead. Luckily, I did not hit the offending car (it would?ve been my fault because I would?ve rear-ended that car) ? nor did anyone hit me (I was one of 3 cars, 1 in each lane, at the back of a pack of cars).

What had me shaking the entire rest of the ride home was that someone had carelessly raced across 2 lanes of traffic, upsetting another driver enough to honk his horn ? and I (and my 1987 Monte Carlo LS) almost paid the price for the entire event?.


Cort:33swm."Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
MC:family.IL.guide.future = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/
"I think I'd like to watch it burn" ... Wallflowers ... 'One Headlight'
Glad you are okay which, of course, is most important. I do know what you mean. I seem to be a target for agressive drivers and I am not a slow driver so I still am amazed. Chris has driven with me and says he doesn't understand it either since I keep my fingers down and my hand off the horn.

Some people are just born to look for fights.
Cort, I am really glad your ok....it's happening more and more

Cort, I am really glad your ok....it's happening more and more

here in New Hampshire as well....people just don't care anymore, and I am kind of dreading it tomorrow as I am going on a 4 hour drive up to my parents and driving back late tomorrow evening, so I just want you to know I will be sending out good vibes that you have a safe and happy roadtrip. Harrybaby:D :eek: :mad: :D
It's one of lifes cruel tricks, law abiding individuals with families etc get dodgy tickers and lifes scum criminals and drug lords live to 90 with good health...

Road rage is the same the world over, try riding a motorbike and it gets worse.

I my younger days i have given chase before but now i'm older and wiser i just laugh, flick the bird, and drive on.
I'm glad you are alright Cort. I know that things like this are really upsetting.
Harrybaby666 said:
,,,I just want you to know I will be sending out good vibes that you have a safe and happy roadtrip.


Thank you ... I will :). And, I hope you enjoyed your 4-hr drive ... I LOVE to drive and wouldn't have it any other way ;).

Ross said:
Wonder what the jackasses arrest record looks like?

Heh ... that's EXACTLY what I silently asked to myself as I drove home after the incident yesterday. No, it wasn't my immediate thought, but I did wonder.....hmph.

And, yes, Karlynn, things like this are upsetting. I was thinking about that incident all the way into work today for my 1/2 day ... and, of course, all the way home :(.
Now I remember why I don't want to move back to England, they drive fast and have multiple lane roads. :( There is a lot to be said for narrow lanes, even if you need to pull in to allow a vehicle to pass from the opposite direction at times.
:eek: Yikes Cort!..
I hate that kind of stuff..
I am usually off in my own little world.. singing to the radio or talking to my kids.. and not driving fast enough for some smart a** kid.. and they zip around.. and almost cause me to crash.. :mad:( yes just happened last week..on a small 2lane road with double yellow lines) man I hate that.. Every one is in such a hurry these days!

I am so glad that you are ok.. and maybe that idiot got a ticket a few miles up the road?
Multiple lane changes in one swoop seems to be the order of the day around here. To counter that threat I am attempting to find a surplus Navy Phoenix missle that I can attach to the launch rails I am adding to my Integra. Either that or a par of 007-type .50 cal machine guns fixed to each fender.

Decisions, decisions.

I am very glad you are okay. It is very frustrating and nerve wracking when aggressive drivers put others in danger. About a year ago here in Jacksonville, two drivers got into an altercation. Eventually, one driver got in front of the other, applied the brakes, causing the other driver to go off the road and crash. The 21 year old mother of 2 year old twins was not wearing her seat belt and died. The other driiver kept going. Later, the authorities found the other driver (a doctor from the local Mayo Clinic). He claimed he did not know the other driver crashed. After interviewing witnesses, the authorities think both drivers contributed to the situation but the Dr. has been charged and of the course the mother paid for it with her life. I cannot remember the charge. The case is currently scheduled to go to trail within the next couple of weeks. The case could set a precedent because the drivers never made contact with each other.

For my part-time job, I facilitate a basic driver improvement course for the Northeast Florida Safety Council. We cover road rage and aggressive driving toward the very end of the course. I suggest to my students that one of the ways to avoid an aggressive driver (especially one that speeds and tailgates), is to beware of what is behind you. Before you change lanes, check your side and review mirrors to make sure that there is not someone who is approaching at a higher rate of speed in the lane you want to move into. If you do, delay the lane change until they have gone past. Granted they should not be speeding but you can keep yourself out of a potentially dangerous situation. You do not want to run the risk of that person rear ending you, tailigating you and dong something else which may put you in danger.

marky said:
Every one is in such a hurry these days!

...and THAT is the problem. Arg.

And, Karl, thanks for sharing that story and advice. Too bad some of the ones that really NEED to read/hear that ... won't.....

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